Recompile Apache 1.3.x connector
If you’re running Apache 1.3.x and Coldfusion 7 you might have had errors when starting apache about needing to compile it using DEAPI.
[warn] Loaded DSO /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI).</blockquote> The original Adobe technote 18748 worked with CF6 as I've followed it before, but, with CF7 once compile and you try and start apache you get a crazy hex error, like this:
Cannot load /opt/coldfusionmx7/runtime/servers/lib/wsconfig/1/ into server: /opt/coldfusionmx7/runtime/servers/lib/wsconfig/1/ undefined symbol: hexstrtol</blockquote> A quick google found this site with a script on how to do it. Now one note on the guide is he's building a file for apache 2, quick vi to change them all to and you're all good. So, big thanks to that guy for posting his script. Mine is included below for reference. ``` #!/bin/bash export CFMX=/opt/coldfusionmx7 export APACHE_PATH=/usr/local/apache export APACHE_BIN=$APACHE_PATH/bin #CFMX connector path eg $CFMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1 export CFMX_CONNECTOR=$CFMX/lib/wsconfig/1 #stop apache $APACHE_BIN/apachectl stop ${APACHE_BIN}/apxs -c -Wc,-w -n jrun -S LIBEXECDIR=${CFMX_CONNECTOR} mod_jrun.c jrun_maptable_impl.c jrun_property.c jrun_session.c platform.c jrun_utils.c jrun_mutex.c jrun_proxy.c jrun_ssl.c ${APACHE_BIN}/apxs -i -n jrun -S LIBEXECDIR=${CFMX_CONNECTOR} strip $CFMX_CONNECTOR/ ``` Mine did error saying:
apxs:Error: file is not a DSO</blockquote> but it all works.