Not really sure, but, following on from the many posts floating about after Tim’s original entry including Ray’s, Andy’s and Mark’s I thought I’d join in. Amongst other things I claim to be, I’m usually aliased as flatpackedworld.

  • * 25 years old
  • * Bought a 3 bed house just under 3 years ago
  • * Going out with my Canadian lady, Jenn, for about 4 months now
  • * Drives a 06 plate VW Golf GTI in black
  • * Looks at the Apple store every couple of days thinking I'll buy a macbook then thinking of reasons not to
  • * Likes pretty much any food except sprouts and cauliflower which are evil devil veggies of doom
  • * Loves music, has way too many mp3's.. really like
  • * TV wise likes Scrubs, Fraiser, 24 & CSI
  • * Films would be Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, Bad Boys, Indian Jones (can you spot a theme?)
  • * Been working with CF since around 2000 starting on version 4.5.2
  • * Director of own company Caffeine Press (yes, I know, the site's a bit poo... new web2.0 stylie design on route!)
  • * Co-Founder of - the soon to be social humour site, hopefully!