all about dj yoda mashing up chaz and dave, rabbit rabbit rabbit!!! the weekend continues… =D
All about saturday night vodka bender :-)
Not about the Live blues band in the pitcher and piano
certainly not when they tried to do zorba the f**king greek with a guitar, cello and trumpet!!!
Stuck in really bad traffic in ascot. Rubbish
on the last train home after a cocktail and conversation fuelled evening.
feeling knackered after busy busy w/e, but happy reading drew with man u and are still above arsenal… come on the royals! , that’s what the higher power invented google for :)
Singing happy birthday to tim in my car :-)
recoving after 30 lengths in the pool, loving the “weird al”, the fire-limo site has a crap flash movie nothing to do with limos!
drinking beer ‘cause i’ve done my tax return, planning a hectic (yet all good) next week and listening to good old rock ‘n’ roll loud :)
reading a penguin wrapper which says that dreamt is the only word that ends in “mt”
wishing data migration would go away, far far away
Very drunk and amused at dick public transport ha ha
Wondering where i can get decent album art from and deciding what shirt to wear tonight
Wanting it to be the weekend already, got a data migration head ache!
Very very annoyed by bloody chelsea tractor drivers taking snotty brats to school
savouring the mighty royals victory. bring on the gooners!
About to get on my way to williams f1 to watch the monza gran prix
Enjoying tesco chicken paella having been swimming. Mmm
amused Arsenal only drew and waiting for the Reading game so I can wind Barry up when they loose
scheming to steal the foam rockets back so i can shoot barry again
telling tim he should go for the 6 basic ones, no movies or sport… it’s all good