likes the new google look, and you can now have more than 3 accounts logged in with multiple accounts which is good
@BradHaverly that sounds like a hair brained idea. people like you, hair today, gone tomorrow ;)
@BradHaverly think of it like a new hair do. you’ll love it soon.
@neilmiddleton me please
now has three people on a call, one being me. all of whom are silent except for the faint background sound of keyboard bashing.
would like to go to bed. that plan seems to have been scuppered and doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon. #techsucks
@Sianilaa ‘fraid not. i’m at the foo’s gig the night before anyway.
is sorting stuff out, booked hotels for both weddings coming up (eventually!), now to wait for pizza, open a beer and back to the packing!
has foo tickets and somewhere to stay. bring it on MK. now to work on the weather…
@MelKirk just make sure there is a task for filling out timesheets and add time to it :)
@Haribocheeks loving the use of the 10p to show the size. if you don’t eat it, i’ll be happy to. just send it over :)
@Loud_one @bradhaverly @MelissaThompson @ShaunnaLouiseW @LaurenBarnesWLD maybe a haircut’s gone wrong and he can’t get over it
thinks olympic tickets are rigged and a farce. should have had a lower per person cap that way more people would have got tickets.
@neilmiddleton yeah it has. it was obviously rigged first time round. more you applied for increased your chances - gets them more cash
@SkagenDenmark looking at the 809XLTBN - i like the blue face. the 809XLTTM isn’t bad either.
wants a new watch. skagen one is pretty nice, not sure about black strap though. found a funky tissot one as well, bright yellow strap! :)
@2by @andrewscrivener @chloebenn @loud_one @theghoti looks like he’s chalked his cue and snookered you
@Sarah_Iles @Loud_one @2by @TheGhoti looks like the writing’s on the wall. seems black and white to me. (sketchy i know)
RT @globaldev: We’re looking for a Development Manager to lead our dev team in Windsor
has exchanged. finally!
didn’t exchange today. this time because it’s taken all day to find out one of the solicitors (not ours) isn’t in the office! words fail me.
@Loud_one don’t worry about the people around you, how do you think the necklace feels! #necklaceshavefeelings
is once again frustrated by a supplier not engaging their brains before letting the monkeys loose. grr.
didn’t exchange today (hopefully tomorrow, again). glad today is over though and news is good (non house related). now, bed or more beer?
@chmouel essex, oh my. this will be the pimped out, bling, fake tan edition? will it get in to a fight when installing rather than conflict?
@neilmiddleton apparently you’re not doing a very good job then ;)
has a vm with #memset now which needs rebuilding. wondering whether to stay or move to @UK2. near enough same price but uk2 offer support.
has just updated skype, version 2.8 to 5.1 in a single jump and now looks crap. bloated and in the way. it’s been truly “microsoftified”.
has found that a new apple store is opening in reading this weekend -
is listening to Weird Al Yankovic — Alpocalypse, the new album :
is really enjoying the new seasick steve album, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” : spotify:album:1tZxPptfs9xJxnXYmVULHC
watched get him to the greek this evening. all i can say about the movie is, stroke the furry wall.
RT @Litwerally: 3 year old writes letter to Sainsbury’s and gets fabulous letter in return #tha …
has 1 of 3 foo tickets! more due next week. fooooooooooooooo. only good news this week, hence excitement.
@BradHaverly i got one of them earlier as well.
@Alexi_xx @2by stand them in front of some railings, shot one, he’ll fall, push the other one back on to the railing and spear himself.
@2by stand them one behind the other and get two in one.
@TheGhoti i do. not sure if i count though.
now is wearing most of my laksa chicken soup. great.
is trying very hard not to use every expletive i can think of to describe all the solicitors and estate agents in our chain.
@kevinhyam all sorts from tellytubbies, smurfs, five, afroman. mostly singles and randoms. nothing really good!
asks if anyone wants ~350 used cd’s destined for the tip? if you have a recycling idea or want them let me know in the next couple of days
apparently owns a five cd. single, but still. i blame youth and poor taste in music. charity box for that one…
is getting down to some unholy bootie mashups, Frisco style! bootiemashup.comh (thanks Stu)
@lightboxstudios I have a spare cup, if you can find a spare eye would that work ;)
has just learnt that racecar and saippuakuppinippukauppias (finnish; soap cup dealer) are both palindromes. interesting. back to the cider.
is knee deep in cables, manuals and assorted crap for stuff i no longer own. i’m beginning to think i may be a hoarder.
is tidying the office, chucking out old crap and starting to box things up. omg. anyone got any decent size boxes, flat packable let me know
@jontarbuck check you out with your little jt icon… just noticed it, nice!
has discovered meat based geekness via @timblair Add from meat to your Lorem Ipsum: baconipsum.comD
has had a Starbucks coffee, muffin whilst my MOT was done (passed) at Deftera Motors Windsor and in the office by 8. result.
does anyone know where I can get an MOT done, tomorrow or Friday in Windsor? #lazyweb #holycrapididntgetremindeditwasdue
@MelissaThompson @ShaunnaLouiseW mine keeps saying it’s ringing but never connecting. very frustrating.
doesn’t have left over stir fry for lunch tomorrow because @flapjackthecat just ate the pork out the wok. furry little bugger.
has a near full spec 11 plate golf as a courtesy care whilst mine is serviced today, they’re very nice!
@Alexi_xx feed my cat so he stops walking on the keyboard
thinks that designing a new web site would be so much easier if i actually could design!
would like it not to be raining and there to be less traffic hell. it’s gonna be a long journey and day.
was playing with an ipad 2 today. very tempting. will an ipad 3 come out this year though, that is the question!
has been shopping and is now waiting for my pig sandwich to arrive at Windsor @cattlegrid tasty!
is curious why during a bomb scare people get closer to see what’s going on. surely you’d want to get further away?
@FrancescaHeath i’m off tomorrow so really just one more sleep! hope you’re well! :)
wonders if it’s the weekend yet?
@BradHaverly a full haircut? do you normally just cut your head hair then?
could really eat some cake right about now or biscuits or chocolate. in fact any or all of the above would be good.