DepressedDarth If pink is the new black, I’m in trouble. The stormtroopers will not take me seriously if I’m wearing a pink cape.
awesome response by @sainsburys - renames tiger bread to giraffe bread after letter from a 3 year old
@adam_reid smart arse. get back to your pasty.
anyone know where i can get some official bose quiet comfort 3 replacement ear cushions? #bringonthetwitterspam #lazyweb #bose
@RealBradHaverly a steam, i’m not boiling a kettle? you mean a stream right….?
started playing with jekyll last night for my blog - still not sure if i want to even keep the blog or make it a stream type thing.
RT @dhh: “Holidaymakers have been warned to watch their words after a tweet”, [DHS/TSA is a disgrace to the US]
@RealBradHaverly you sure as hell wouldn’t want to realise half way up you need the loo!
@BigMadKev they’re completely redoing it. they’ve literally flattened it and rebuilt it. must be costing millions.
was surprised by the number of old people gazing & discussing the large crane at Daniel’s in windsor. it’s a crane, what’s to discuss?
quietroomtweets Somebody in the sign-writing department is VERY cross about, well, almost everything.
@cerysbear my wife would agree with you, but, I like them!
@jasonkneen @barryf the lion, the witch and the small patch of grass - doesn’t sound quite the same
@ioptics getting?
@monadic no problems. very keen to find out what you can help us out with as soon as.

is home enjoying a tasty beverage
well doesn’t this day just suck big fat chocolate salty balls
@RabbitMQ sent an email to support@ asking about consulting; is there a better address to contact?
@MelKirk or put it back on :)
@barryf we could tell you were barry ;)
peejaybe Dear Waitrose Abingdon, why you should check a poster containing the word ‘count’ from outside as well…
synthjock I once bought a Bonnie Tyler satnav. It was rubbish. Kept telling me to turn around, and every now and then it fell apart.
having only drunk lemsip this weekend i feel slightly better. still quite a way off feeling normal though.
@lightboxstudios you might miss out this time @therunningdude is in miami trying to pretend he’s a beach adonis /cc @globalpersonals
@andrewgarner haha, don’t become a travel agent will you
@cerysbear practice what you preach love ;)
needs suggestions for a nice hotel, not to far away for 1 night. doesn’t really have to have much, pool, bar, restaurant #lazyweb
@MelKirk well, happy to keep it, but, it’s not been enormously reliable of late!
@MelKirk yeah, seems to be when you post it kills mysql!! just restarted it. you might need to shift it somewhere slightly more reliable! x
via @JammyTheC - the true use of mumsnet “@ThePoke: Stop what you are doing. Read this discussion thread on Mumsnet”
@MelKirk haha, it’s about a 15 mile drive. normal run is 30 minutes so it’s not that bad, it’s quite painless with a few straight roads.
@MelKirk I’ve had coffee #2 and am OK. Need to start getting a kickstart though, wash my thermos and drink one on the way in to work.
@thesambarnes if he’s like @flapjackthecat though he’ll be nice for a while then bug you to feed him! ps. get well soon wicket
@MelKirk coffee machine. although, i’ve already been here 1.5 hours ;)
@andrewscrivener use git!
@jongilbraith graph paper & pencil - they’re pretty new, you might not have heard of them =D
@jasonkneen or, just turn or javascript and use the site normally :)
@adam_reid i’ll be concerned if for some weird reason you’re the common factor that a bunch of people know me by though! ;)
has our first NCT meeting this evening - feels a little bit like first day at school meeting the class!
@mattomaszewski i think you look most like the small green dragon :)
@grayhaze that wasn’t on the shortlist, but, i’ll run it past the wife. i like it.
RT @JammyTheC: Talk about flogging an undead vampire. No more Twilight books but more films planned. Please God, no.
is looking for a Senior Ops Eng to join my Windsor team & help manage a successful, large online web application #jobs
is it wrong to get twitter/gmail accounts for the potential names of your unborn baby? #ithinkialreadyknowtheanswer
@JammyTheC liking that!
feels like shit, can’t breath properly and now to freeze my arse off scrapping the car.
has felt my baby kick! that’s amazing and freaky!
@itv2 you just came back from an ad break to show the same piece of a movie you’ve already shown - like it’s stuck on loop!
@MelKirk depends what you were looking for. could be expected. “blue waffle” is a term i just unfortunately googled (not safe for humans!)
@jasonkneen is that a recommendation?

is loving the count… Ah ha ha

has awesome seats at the darts with @barryf @timblair and @Debbie
Announcement of Percona XtraDB Cluster (alpha release) via @percona - this could be really interesting
@mmazour careful, @andrewgarner’s selection has been known to send people in to spiral’s of despair.
Job opportunity: Senior Operations Engineer at Global Personals - Slough, United Kingdom #jobs
@mmazour haha, just been updated :)
so, the government says have two drink free days. that just means more per day over the other 5 doesn’t it?
RT @richardbranson: For those who don’t know the expression I used yesterday, ‘jammy bastard’ is an English phrase that means lucky son …
RT @andrewgarner: Marriage proposal goes wrong at UCLA game …
is shocked at the largeness of boxes baby things come in. my house is now full. @mothercareuk your order tracking is really really bad!
@DreamsPete @Dreams_Beds ok. thanks. you’ve taken the money so i hope you’ve got the order!!
@adam_reid a group of hibernating hedgehogs is a nested array then? /cc @WheresWardy
@adam_reid haha, very true!
â@qikipediaia: Baby puffins are called pufflings.†@neilmiddletoneton; awesome, have always liked puffins. a group of hedgehog’s is an array
RT @dsingleton: OpenDNS appears to be blocking - and thus many CDN hosted JS libs (jquery, prototype, etc). Via htt …
@DreamsPete @Dreams_Beds any update on this?
@DreamsPete @Dreams_Beds sure, it’s 000010259
@DreamsPete it’s 000010259
@JimTheBaggie pram, cot bed, change table, mattress, car seat + adaptor, change mat. did it online to save over 25% but this sucks!
@RealBradHaverly it’s going to my parents as it’s bulky stuff which makes it worse and they’re using yodel who’re crap @JamesLafferty quite.
isn’t at all impressed with @mothercareuk & deliveries. one order coming in 5 different shipments. didn’t tell me that, should be #failfail
@neilmiddleton it’s the brussels sprout effect (happy new year!)
@Dreams_Beds hi, tried web contact form but it doesn’t work. registered after ordering but order doesn’t show online to track can you help?
has new year’s resolutions to get fitter, spend less, actually setup a new website (less is more). let’s see how that goes.
@MelKirk nowt wrong with it, stop grumping, that’s not in you happiness project ;)
has put Christmas away, found my v5 and mot certificate. now, i need some peanut butter and bread. work tomorrow = alarm = grump.