has been to the vet with @flapjackthecat and to the gym and now is going to have some soup
is getting annoyed with the sh*tness of itunes when it has more than 30,000 tracks in it… probably not that surprising but hey
has stopped shouting at the tv after England’s dismal performance against Ireland and wonders if @barryf is lost in diy yet
@willcarling think I may join you
is glad it’s friday although is still in the office waiting for stuff to be done
is fixing bugs, the joys of system changes on a friday!
squatted the bugs, wrote some scripts, made some cron entries and is now finally actually starting the weekend by going to sleep
is busy but looking forward to rock band, beer and pizza this evening (it’s a health kick amnesty day)
has drunk beer, rocked out and is now fixing servers :|
likes the description of passengers being bothersome self-loading cargo
is back from swimming and feels good. I’m giving up being unhealthy for lent with the exception of Thursday subways
@marckysharky but what does it mean!!!!
is amused by another computer crashing worm going around http://is.gd/kOTO
enjoyed his pancakes
is still tired but looking forward to pancakes tonight… mmm…
is joining in the mass tweeting that yes indeed #gmail is down but “they’re working on it”
is getting somewhere with the wordpress theme changes
currently battling trebuchet but i’ve got georgia on my mind… which will win?!
thinks that guitar hero looks awesome on a 42” screen with the amp cranked up… bet the neighbors love me
is trying to redesign his site with wordpress whilst waiting for Jenn to come home
is DoD level erasing hard drives ready to stick them on eBay
is enjoying the new setup
wonders why I didn’t think of cuddly sperm http://is.gd/kdjH or plushy organs http://is.gd/kdjM
is home alone with @flapjackthecat until Sunday
thinks he needs a beer
is exceptionally pissed off with sky customer service but does have a cake surprise for the boys tomorrow
is going for the corporate freebie t-shirt look
is waiting and wondering
is drinking the silver bullet http://twitpic.com/1ji3m
is on his way out and might just get it sorted by 10:30 tomorrow morning
is at work
is trying to complain to sky in less than 1000 characters
hates the half term kid invasion of Windsor
wants it to be here now dammit! :)
has a busy evening of sainsbury’s shopping, cable laying, blog styling, cake baking and fianceé ferrying (not sure in what order!)
@jamisonmatt that’s cool!
has done the shopping, baked and iced the cake, ferried the financee now washing up and onto cable laying http://twitpic.com/1izhn
is still laughing after a rendition of “The Only Gay Eskimo” by Phil Mickel
is watching a database import (still) and working on updating someone’s BlogCFC to WP database migration script
wants people to stop just watching and start bidding!
is going to see more comedy at the hexagon tonight
@adam_reid one that means you get out more :p
corrects himself, that’d be Phil Nichol. The Eskimo’s still gay though
is amused by the longacres valentines pick and pay drive thru bouquet service. genius!
is inserting popular four letter words into most sentences right at the moment
is now not using quite so many four letter words
asks if anyone wants a 32” CRT TV for cheap and can collect let me know asap as I have one going
could do with cloning himself
has new gadgets inbound!
@jamisonmatt you haven’t responded to my email though….
@jamisonmatt emailed, ta! :)
@MelKirk time machine?
had been shaken into shape by the Galileo machine
@johnpith no fun
needs to be having a meeting with my mate JD not going to the gym after work
is waiting for one script to finish running whilst writing another
is writing evil sql
@neilmiddleton yeah, rename feed squirrel or get a deal going… squirrels united!
asks if anyone can recommend a host for a .CN domain (other than 123-REG)?
drove through floods in the great park
is watching rubgy
@Schofe You need to get Clarkson on twitter!
is back from watching a very amusing Dylan Moran
thinks the Italian rugby team doesn’t own a razor
is reading tv reviews and seeing banner ads for bravissimo, not sure how they relate but hey ho
is going to see Dylan Moran tonight at the Hexagon
@Miss_Happy i think he signed up a while ago just never used it! (hello btw)
@marckysharky happy birthday. i hope you got a calculator to help with the counting
@MelKirk Firefox every time
is investigating
is back from the gym and has borrowed some salt to put outside the garage
is resident office DJ…. Welcome to the Jungle!!!
is trying to cheer Jenn up
is wondering if it’ll snow today, nice and sunny at the moment in Windsor
is amused by the Chris Moyles comic relief talking clock. you know you’re going to call it….
agreing with @neilmiddleton that if you believe the british press the snow is going to end the world… erm, bollocks!
realising watching Argumentable on Dave that John Sargent is the male version of Jo Brand
is going to work, should be dun with this much snow!
made it to work
saw 3 abandoned cars on the way to work, all Mercedes. 2 in ditches, 1 just left.
@nathanpitman i think so. they’re all upset they own Mercs and are trying to ditch them, literally!
@marckysharky what was the score again?