@TheKirstyWard really, you chose that phrase having come from here…
@SlackHQ hey, looks like slack isn’t responding - our domain just times out
@NatWest_Help any idea when the mortgage team might answer the phone? in the last 3 days have tried 3 times >1hr on hold no answer
@Haribocheeks Delilah
nathanpitman @ian_winter I don’t need a to do list app, that’s what I have my wife for. Also includes push notifications.
@nathanpitman was it a todo list for you? ;)
@TheKirstyWard mcdonalds right ;) … good luck!

kebab vans promoting on facebook #wow pic.twitter.com/L3By0TrSaLL
@james_allardice think it’s probably just here (the office) looking at this: https://t.co/KrLHXjNVgQ
@james_allardice you might do - but the rest of the world might not. welcome to the joy of dns propagation and caching
@james_allardice dig +short NS jslinterrors.comins68.1and1.co.ukmHns67.1and1.co.uk7Ag. - i recon it’s bad dns caches
@carmat71 @james_allardice actually it’s 1andshit - dig +short @ns68.1and1.co.uk jslinterrors.comj returns nothing
@carmat71 @james_allardice it’s up - it’s the office dns, not returning an A record. works fine from my vps
@innocentdrinks sticks and scones #sconefilms
@innocentdrinks the sword in the scone #sconefilms
@innocentdrinks romancing the scone #sconefilms
@innocentdrinks shouldn’t it be scone or scon? … i’m in the scone camp either way
the to getting hired is turning up to the interview #candidaterage
@neilmiddleton Winnersh I think

lovely day in the city at @globalpersonals office. we’re hiring! pic.twitter.com/221TqFDfSCC
happy St. George’s day. just passed the home of English rugby and remembered, shame I wasn’t going to match though
@NatWest_Help not on twitter thanks JL. Font size was just a bit scary!
not even on a train and it appears to have been cancelled already. FFS.
omg, public transport is horrible. train times from wokingham to waterloo in the morning at simply evil.
just used @NatWest_Help’s online mortgage information viewer. quite depressing the remaining balance is about 400 point font size!
RT @CraigGrannell: New iOS 1Password update just showed up in the App Store. Now 50% off. Well worth buying. https://t.co/3Kt0bLDusV
@nationalrailenq that works as I don’t think I have enough cash. thanks :)
@rosswilliams it’s down here. they use @fastly and that error means the config has been removed/updated - doesn’t know what to serve
hey #lazyweb do Wokingham station car park machines take cards or are they cash only? Cc @nationalrailenq
RT @neilmiddleton: I’d like a version of Amazon Prime that doesn’t require me to pay for the second rate streaming of content nobody wants.
@System_Sagepay hey, are you having issues? transactions seem missing in MSP and we can’t process refunds/voids it seems
@MelKirk leave that in dedworth tesco carpark long it’ll be gone ;)
BBC News - Beard trend is ‘guided by evolution’ bbc.in/1m74rpDr - pretty sure it’s being too lazy to shave :)
@keithclarkcouk that sounds dirty.
@carmat71 no. if the queen is in, it is, otherwise it’s the union flag en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_JackY
@carmat71 you know it’s actually this one that’s flying? https://t.co/uRdxzUqHfH

if the sun continues I may just break out the lobster pic.twitter.com/AATkY5Ptiaa
@lightboxstudios or are you jess?
@lightboxstudios postman pat special delivery service ;)
@nstanley nope, but my little one’s only 23 months :)
@pingdom thanks. i have now. the reason you were good was that it was basic monitoring & alerting. you aren’t that now.
@pingdom seriously, the new “app” is not useful. how do i just get an alert? i don’t want it “assigned” - why did you drop basic monitoring?
in one release @pingdom just became a real ball ache and not what we actually need it for. just want alerting ffs.
@thesambarnes you got a sky remove though, bonus!

@jnewland sure it’s not github ;) @neilmiddleton pic.twitter.com/LE7Dl2au8II
@Haribocheeks without context you know that leaves things open to interpretation
@Dyn u know the ruby email api doesn’t work with your current API. i can’t remember if it was auth, or, calls but has issues with something
@rackspaceUK hey had an email from someone at havasmedia re: seo & a cloud post on my blog. bit odd, says he works for you, is it legit?
@ThreeUKSupport can you follow me so i can DM you, or, should I email? >k
@ThreeUKSupport 4g coverage. they said in wokingham it’s newly enabled so prob. wouldn’t work. you sent a text saying it does. misleading.