really should have tried my suit trousers on not just jacket. appears lost more weight than I thought!
Is drinking beer in a premier inn watching tv, Jenn says wow never seen the down volume on the top, me, it’s upsidown, Jenn, oh.
@TheGhoti 31.6 for those that don’t speak foreign ;)
@gnachman iTerm2, if you have multiple panes and send commands to all using CMD+SHIFT+I is there a way to “unfade” all the inactive panes?
@MelKirk why did you eat/lick their office to know it was sweet?
@BradHaverly @ioptics @barryf don’t tell us, you’ve got a theory on hitler as well, or, did you cut his hair once?
isn’t have a good day when both the online documentation and the oreilly manual are open! rtfm.
just had an automated call telling me I’ll have an automated call later to let me know my delivery slot. why bother, just tell me already!
@tumbleweeds one for you and the chaps to enjoy:
@jontarbuck I reckon you might appreciate this:
@appboard hey, we use geckoboard at the moment for some stuff but keen to try out others - how can we get on the alpha/beta?
purchased beer last night, but, forgot to put some in the fridge.
@skyhd telling home move team not to promise things that can’t be done either. i could have kept it and signed up fresh for better deal!
@skyhd cancel prior to move as ensured that’d mean i’d get adsl right away, now going to be a month without it. free 1TB wouldn’t go a miss.
@ukgirlontherun that looks like traffic people… is it made of old cones or something?
disagrees with @skyhd’s idea of good news. another 9 days to wait for broadband is not good when that’s not what i was promised #fail
@randommelsmum wow, i’ll fingers then.
has once again been lied to by sky. broadband won’t be active for “up to” two weeks and they can’t tell me when, blaming openreach, again.
also thinks the @flapjackthecat will hate me as he’s shut in a room again. range is in the house, now being installed.
thinks the openreach engineer putting my phone line in was around when the phone was invented.
@BradHaverly you could do @clarehumphreys a brilliant haircut I think, well you’d say you could =D
is in.
is moving. half the house in the truck, tea break done. back at it.
@BradHaverly put your trumpet away brad. it’ll only get you trouble
@jontarbuck @stooty they’ll push cryogenics so you never die just remain in suspended animation paying tax for being undead
@jontarbuck @stooty retire? even if you did you wouldn’t have any money ‘cause the pension pot will have drained.
@Tomtids are you suggesting @barryf @timblair & I share the singlet? I hope not. I love chicken so should be good on that front :)
@RyanPitcher what ‘cause i’m talking about fruit
@jimeh see, now I thought it was riots =D
has a change today, 2 giant apricots, a slice of pineapple and a hawaii gingerbread man. tasty.
@TheGhoti @globalpersonals i won. £2.90. blown it already.
can’t get the fax of the document I needs because the admin team finished at 5. glad to see my insurance premium being used wisely.
enjoyed two giant apricots and a melon medley for lunch today.
@MelKirk you should feel a boy, i think that’d improve your day
has four more sleeps until I’m out of Bracknell and of to a new home. until then chaos reigns and we’re living out of boxes.
agrees that moving is the most stressful thing you can do!
really has a desire for some chewits
has tumblr to thank for just posting a bunch of CSS rather than the actual status message I wanted to send. #fail
@ppounder why, are you naked?
@BigMadKev wife is Canadian so I’ve had my share of light beers on trips back. Sam Adams isn’t to bad I suppose, as they go.
@BigMadKev American beer is weak and they always want a tip when you buy it. tip is, drink european beer, it’s better. =D
@BradHaverly it’s public now, announced over weekend. apparently you can just go to and login with your regular google account
@FrancescaHeath sounds like the start of a joke…
didn’t have enough breakfast this morning and as a result I’m now really hungry. anyone fancy delivering me a sausage and egg mcmuffin?
@ppounder at least it’s sunny, look on the bright side ;)
@ppounder ah, you’re now feeling sad, suicidal, emotional, depressed and or all of the above?
at the MK bowl with @barryf for the foo’s gig along with 65,000 other folk
has another thing to say Alice fucking cooper !!!!!
has just the one thing to say. foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
just seen the best animal costume thanks to @shewhobangs
is wishing all Canadians a happy Canada day :)