Ian Winter (@ian_winter)

Berkshire, UK

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ian_winter ever

April 2008

Back in blighty once more

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Once again in Toronto airport

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watching snow melt in the sun

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survived a snow storm… the locals say it was average, but, it’ll be the worst most brits ever see!

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waiting at the window for the snow plow to come by after more snow settled than i’ve ever seen!

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Back in from Starbucks planning a trip to US of A tomorrow

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Very tired but in Thunder Bay

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In Toronto baggage hall

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In Heathros eating a bagel

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has finished packing and preparing for a 0500 alarm call on Tuesday morning!

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loving random horse betting… good old comply or die! only 10 quid up, but, i’m up!

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counting down the 3 days until i’m off to canada

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@Lilja no idea what you mean :)

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Not at work, sitting in the sun watching European volleyball on tv

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