do I bail and go past legoland. not going anywhere here!
so @redhat are going to screw the world with huge licence hikes on RHEL. screw them by switching to CentOS -
@jennalou_k aren’t sheep and dragon the only two words? @RobertCalum
@benlovell sorry, missed this tweet. didn’t get a notification.
apparently @boffbowsh has a triple headed wide out tight end. @WheresWardy agrees & they turned up at the same time this morning. worrying?
bought a scratch card. won. broke even. sigh.
@WokinghamBC someone needs to sort lights on matthewsgreen rd. they’re stuck on red one side & v. dangerous as ppl are jumping them
@boffbowsh is that also the middle row? bingo!
@aircanda oops! i’m almost certain you are lovely :)
@benlovell why are you talking to yourself on twitter?
@FHTechTeam the support ticket i had open i got told that it wasn’t possible, but, happy to open another ticket
@AirCanada what time is the ticket desk at LHR T3 open to and from please?
so @aircanda reservations don’t understand english so may be forced to go to LHR to find out what i need to know. absolutely appalling.
@FHTechTeam also, improves contacts in general. multiple identical contacts everywhere. if you could do me a database update directly….?
@FHTechTeam biggest issue is no bulk updates. got 400+ domains that i need to change contacts on & then change IPSTAG
@neilmiddleton not NS’s i’m worried about. post acquision fun and contact/ownership changes etc.
never buy domains with @Fasthosts - they have the most unfriendly, feature weak, domain control panel - EVER!
â@thesambarneses: Loads of vacancies right no@globalpersonalsls†- want a new challenge? beer & bacon provided!
@jamisonmatt ghostbusters!
airport, airline and associated other fees, charges and surcharges take the piss! then in some cases (canada) paying tax on the charge #FFS
RT @YodelOnline: We’ve teamed up with @WorldBookNight. RT for a chance to win this set of 20 Top Titles! - T&Cs …
@Timato_ i do hope you don’t mean this & actually mean this in which case, i want one!
@JamesLafferty thanks
@thesambarnes whatever, you’re clearing listening to suck on my chocolate salty balls
@Timato_ see your doctor, asap :)
@Timato_ sorry, what beard? ;)
Major League Combat is a sport that combines juggling, rugby, Capture the Flag, and maybe Quidditch? #wtf
RT @rklipman: The internet is literally over. RT @SusanArendt: Cat. Dressed like a shark. Riding a roomba. Chasing a baby duck. http://t …
@neilmiddleton you definitely won’t finish the book that way ;)
@trevorpotts0 not the budgie smuggler!
weebls on spotify! ♫ Hands Over Pastry — Weebl’s
@trevorpotts0 i’d buy the red ones on the right, but, you could pull off the multi colour check ones :)
@boffbowsh you can emigrate there now, nothing to stop you ;)
saw a bag robbery recovery in Windsor today. guy i think from jewellers opposite ryman chased him down and got it back cc/ @ThamesVP
jfchevrette Kinda scary when Google Apps returns “This account was deleted and is no longer recoverable.” when your boss is trying to login.
don’t get me wrong, death is sad & morning needed, but an entire day of headline news is not appropriate use of my license fee @BBCNews
RT @TheRealSheldonC: I’ve had enough of Windows 8, so I’ve bought myself a new copy of Windows 7 from a certain online auction site… htt …
RT @ONKYO_EU: Win great sound in a small sized music system — RT until April 23 to enter…
lots of exciting opportunities @globalpersonals ruby & coldfusion devs, design, testers & customer care globalpersonals.theresumator.com6
@dfgrumpy yes, as i said, fully patched. and that’s what i’ve done. have done it lots before. doesn’t work this time with 1.7 @Adobe
@dfgrumpy and yes, it’s OSX 10.8.3, CF 9.0.2, fully patched, Java 1.7.0_17 : java -version is fine, JAVA_HOME fine & JDK’s cc/ @Adobe
@dfgrumpy ok - if you can tell me how to get it work, i’d gladly follow the instructions. mac thinks it’s 1.7 fine, cf ignores cc/ @Adobe
so after much googling & testing, basically ColdFusion 9.x won’t work on OSX with Java 1.7 - thanks for not giving a crap @Adobe, again

flackhackjack So, my brother-in-law has resigned from his 9-to-5 job in spectacular fashion. Jerry Maguire meets Masterchef.
has been driven to old skool happy hardcore. hold on tight and get your hands up in the air! #onitlikeacarbonnet
@StevieBuckley everyone is a bigger fan after @thesambarnes i mean, he’s an ewok! cc/ @boffbowsh
Kathbum As it’s such a nice morning, I’ve put the kid, her car, and two dogs out in the garden. It’s like watching a really cute Grand Theft Auto.
thank goodness for ssh clients on iPhones and pre shared ssh keys. issue resolution whilst baby feeding. check!
ordered @PapaJohnsUK pizza as @Dominos_UK website is down, hey @rackspaceUK you should check if it’s you guys! just as nice.
@Timato_ god makes me angry to. especially as he’s made up #insertimaginerycomma
nothing like trying to figure openid attribute exchange in perl on a Friday afternoon

Skawtnyc Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a system administrator? It’s a lot like this:
@Loud_one I was thinking get you drunk but hey, up to you! @jennalou_k
@jennalou_k just get someone else to do it. @Loud_one
RT @eldsjal: Rockstar created Spotify playlists for all radio stations in GTA. So awesome!
@JammyTheC prompting the “is that an umbrella in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me” comment :)
@boffbowsh if they’re bloody you really should stop beating them
â@Tomtidsds: “Mapped: Oyster Card touch ins and outs”†- very cool
@barryf congratulations!
thinks the time has come to accept i’m not going to win in a situation with a supplier #workingforthemajorityÂ#minorityuserr
How Animals Eat Their Food: via@YouTubee - i defy you not to laugh.

ChinoWanker_ I think I found him.
â@IanVaughanan: How to suck at your religion - The†- if you’re that way inclined, take a read. amen!
@bentruyman thanks. oddly, if i hit refresh from the web ui it works, but, from cron - doesn’t say it’s been updated even though it 200’s
@bentruyman did you post a gist about nginx and fever… i’d love to take a look! mine runs, without push, but can’t load my google opml
can’t get feedafever.comJ to import my opml from google reader. it’s running on nginx (albeit w/o push) but won’t import. any ideas?
@drewm not as valuable but i had the stock bottle opener stolen from my golf gti when i had it at bagshot rd bracknell one cc/ @Kwik_Fit
â@drewmwm: “I hate my daughter’s boyfriend, that’s why I tried to kidnap her.†Jeremy Kyle is on in the waiting room.†- of course!
@barryf you should have felt it coming in the air tonight
@WheresWardy feel free to come and do my two!
is enjoying panic gardening along with the rest of Berkshire as the sun’s out at long acres #sunshine
it’s nearly beer, going home, JD drinking and Sully cuddle time! #pickle
@agit8or dammit, auto correct. nemo!
@agit8or finding memo.
can’t decide what to make my bash prompt look like #itsfineasitis #changeforthesakeofit #firstworldproblems
@rackspaceUK great news… can you make airbrake more reliable now please! cc@exceptionalal
has just read about more details on built in sphinx HA - definitely something to play with at some point #needtoclone
the sun is out. that’s all the good news i’ve got.
doesn’t happen every year but ironic that this fine year jesus has risen on April fool’s day. explains a lot. #ibelieveinscience