@RoyalFamily please stop brexit! I know the family never has but now is the time to stop this parliament and interv… https://t.co/e5kJzfqIYC
@theresa_may Voted based on lies and misleading information by ALL parties. Pound is collapsing you have no negotia… https://t.co/eBJ9EF7Gtt
@Number10press @TheresaMayPM how much more before you give up? ask the people again - SIMPLE. all parties lied and… https://t.co/D7reMo3br6
just got an email to which someone in my team aptly replied internally with the following image… https://t.co/wKKePg6dqQ
nixcraft TCP vs UDP pic.twitter.com/oOqyq9dpoW
@TheresaMayPM a second vote is not betrayal. betrayal is refusal to accept you and your cross party colleagues did… https://t.co/qSbmbU1UyS
@Readdle what did you do to spark on iOS?? Since updating can’t login to any accounts or even get passed add an acc… https://t.co/FNTpYynUST
RT @kurteichenwald: The fact that @PressSec Sarah sanders would tweet the phone number of the @nytimes and invite her followers to harass t…
My Harmony hub tried (and failed) to auto upgrade itself last night, this post https://t.co/9dMQCMjx56, was a great… https://t.co/3PgT7e2uvw
RT @Lawrence_Jones: Be interested to know how you feel on this, one way or the other!
Have you changed your mind after Brexit on how you vo…
RT @swardley: It’s difficult to describe the bewildering amount of change in the technology space over the last decade in a single diagram…