Back on the ground after a 12700 foot skydive
hoping the weather is nice tomorrow so I can see the ground whilst falling 10,000 feet at 120mph
Is drunk making coffee in the hotel room
tired but pleased the count is now 2 - 2
looking better, death 2 - glory 1…
death or glory? currently death 2, glory 0. third times a charm.
recovering from a glitch in the matrix
wondering if i really need imovie, idvd and iweb on my macbook air
angry with stupid window engineer crapness… very tempting!
BBQing teryaki pork
enjoying the sun and playing with my new shiny macbook air
fought the foos and wooden spoon go kart champion
Waiting at Waterloo with coffee and croissant
Getting ready to head into London village to rock out with the Foos!
Tired from being captain America and beer drinking at the rugby