is having lunch with Sully @NandosUK Wokingham pic.twitter.com/Y06sfDAw7rr
@ma51et I’m not, no. forgot about it and now have plans. dunno about @neilmiddleton

firebox The Venga bus is coming. No, really. It is. @tomscott #boomboomboomboom pic.twitter.com/eSRKCppXK2
@neilmiddleton erm nope. sweets maybe.
@neilmiddleton promote the brand, send me some :)
I just registered for the @OReillyMedia 2013 Velocity Europe Conference. velocityconf.com/londonE#velocityconff via@velocityconff
@boffbowsh @TheKirstyWard it’ll be fine, have a read of this https://t.co/L5TfSCN1E6
@boffbowsh sounds like he’s hankering for an offer @TheKirstyWard
@grayhaze I challenge any recruiter to beat the promise of cake, monkeys and penguins. oh and of course, bacon. @easyjo @WheresWardy
stevelosh HTTP status ranges in a nutshell:
1xx: hold on
2xx: here you go
3xx: go away
4xx: you fucked up
5xx: I fucked up
@WheresWardy haha, yup. mitch and malcolm. that’s mitch hanging out on my shoulder.

was on my way to the @globalpersonals kitchen to grab some cake and this little fella came to say hi pic.twitter.com/hgZOpjGSpLL
@MelKirk we know where you live…

StevieBuckley Monkeys in the office. Real ones. pic.twitter.com/dDjyJZMsfZ
@MelKirk i have a leaky tap at home which is just costing money as we’re on a meter & trying to squash bugs without success
@MelKirk pretty shite. you?
is trying to debug an issue without success. one issue replicated, but, not the more important one. life sucks (more than usual) #fml
fresh, hand made, sausage sandwiches on bloomer bread to celebrate @globalpersonals 10th birthday. yum!

globalpersonals We’re 10 today! From 3 people in Steve’s back bedroom to a team of almost 150; we think that’s cause for celebration! pic.twitter.com/PaQejeNdtL
so @SpotifyUK think lady gaga is new music i should listen to. now, i know i listen to crap but lady gaga is a different level. no thanks.
@bruntonspall one this page https://t.co/EQoBowOulj there is a “Advice for Contacting {name}” section, maybe something there?
@TVP_Windsor there was a 2 car crash at alma rd/clarence rd jct this morning as well because those traffic lights are still out cc/ @RBWM
is full on melting in the office. at least 30 degrees and feels like it’s getting hotter.
@tayoakinmade that’s old news ;)
@Stammy what powers the little popup “like it? tweet it” box on your site… is that something custom you wrote?
@2by @TheGhoti you need this in your livesâ€lilhobo2.ytmnd.comCAF - crank it up
@martingoode more importantly, how many squares are there in the pool…. go count :)
@rackspaceUK I don’t and would love one, thanks! I’ve DM’d you my address =D
RT @GrahamM_6t9: “@ThePoke: Introducing > The Beardkini https://t.co/nP5ZOWBJet (via @badgertrousers)†@bobandaspoon
a recipe instruction, cook biscuits at 350, forum response, my oven only goes to 220… Really!
Pundamentalism A gang of decimal figures is on the loose. Police are trying to round them up.
@jimeh you did’t specify. you should write a test for it ;)
@jimeh it’s a vegetable. you’re better off with a keyboard, mouse and laptop you know.

TheGhoti HA (sorry @Loud_one)…! RT @DanFletcher101: Ha! This is the best thing I’ve seen all day!
#OneDirection #NoDirection pic.twitter.com/7jgQOmHZMD
globaldev We’re currently hiring perm Rails Developers & Ruby Engineers in Windsor & London with great benefits & salaries - globaldev.co.uk/jobs/
@majorhayden you need a “correct this sentence” option, along with the inclusion of their/there/they’re and where/were - they’d never pass
TheRealSheldonC What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the batmobile ?
“Get in the batmobile.”
downside is at some point now it works i’ve got to migrate them all from python/pyrax to ruby/fog
i hate / am phobic of snakes, yet, i’ve spent the last day writing python code. #geekirony
@rackspaceUK followed this up & whilst not with TTL, but, using delete_in_seconds() you can effectively set a TTL on a cloud files object
@MelKirk based on google going dark the other day maybe we should be worried a bit more https://t.co/WBbBjbAF6X & https://t.co/BTMmDC9gft
@barryf do it! can go the whole hog and have a snooker loopy theme throughout. @larrylou100 would love it i’m sure
@barryf you need chas and dave
@ThreeUKSupport it works now as it’s been well over 12 hours… how can I report issues quicker, this clearly isn’t the way!
i wouldn’t fly Ryan’wedontcare’Air anyway, but, this https://t.co/gKAY5ppGf3 puts me off some more via @stephenfry
@AnkerOfficial hey, i’ve joined the club but wondering if there is plans to sell a lightning adaptor plug at all?
@ThreeUKSupport seems my 3G connection is there but nothing is working - in Windsor - you broke again?
BBC News - Facebook use ‘makes people feel worse about themselves’ bbc.in/16e7SRnD - you heard it here 7,874th
why did 5000 ducks cross the road? to get to the pond of course https://t.co/bifrYjT9o8. more duck news https://t.co/UbhZGgm5IJ
@neilmiddleton nice, thanks!
@neilmiddleton already have but tells me no-one is there. i’ll just have to wait.
@neilmiddleton trying to remove a user from access to an app on heroku and get user not found… any tips?
@TheKirstyWard i really want to, believe me, not through lack of trying.
really needs to win the EuroMillions and go live on a sunny beach with the family, my own bar & a chef & waitress service.
@StevieBuckley that’s quackers
Virgin and Sky blindly blocking innocent sites https://t.co/U9cTt1yt9w
@DynInc you should read https://t.co/ozg1aWRWc5 cc/ @janebuck
@andrewscrivener so, they’re making a voice service on a phone… are they not missing the fact it’s a phone already???
@neilmiddleton @barryf i have no brain, and i’m buying one
@barryf @neilmiddleton is that “size” enough, i’ve seen the bigger ones aren’t much more? very tempted.
@rackspaceUK does setting a TTL on a cloud object remove it after that period, even if it’s not a CDN container?

globalpersonals We’re celebrating another 5 year anniversary today! Congratulations Grant, here’s to the next 5! pic.twitter.com/TcKWT8IglC
has anyone sold at/been to the Moss End garden centre car boot… what do you think, any good? comparing to ascot and coppid beach at the mo
RT @globaldev: We’re starting to publish videos of our monthly tech talks. First up: @boffbowsh on how to Build Your Own Heroku https://t.co…

king of my castle pic.twitter.com/1I9Eseewexx
is selling a Panasonic SA-HE75 Amp, pair of Tannoy m2.5 speakers and wall mounts for them. if you’re interested pics on Facebook or msg me

apparently this is what @flapjackthecat has been doing for the last hour. no idea where its from though! pic.twitter.com/BgDNLpW4guu
@MelKirk you been on your knees as well? you should get those patched up.
veggies beware because meat can’t be beat… amen weebl ♫ Pork — Weebl’s Stspoti.fi/13LHkHrS#NowPlayingaying
Just entered a competition on the @Trunki FB page to win a PaddlePak goodie bag! Fins & tentacles crossed! https://t.co/677vvuimaN
here’s a new use for @keithclarkcouk’s 3d css engine - theboobjam.comQ
Google sniffs at MySQL fork MariaDB: Yum. Have an engineer reg.cx/27vmI via@regvulturee - great for mysql i think, up yours oracle
if anyone is looking for a job then check @globaldev out! globaldev.co.uk/jobs/G - if you’re interested, get in touch
@globalpersonals careful what you wish for (although unlikely) cc/ @globaldev
this is relevant to a linux conversation, obviously, guess the distro! https://t.co/n9PYCnu9VI
@globalpersonals horrifying without doubt cc/ @LinkedIn @james_allardice @andrewgarner
RT @andrewgarner: If you ever thought about working for @LinkedIn (unlikely I know) … let this be a warning to you … https://t.co/09lLHThNRe
saw Now You See Me last night. was original in the idea and a great case, but, can’t help think there was a little bit too much going on
so #rtfm is all very well, but, not when you’re reading an incomplete version of it. script works much better now i’ve read the right one!
@jasonkneen @Tomtids really needs to have sharknado playing on a tv in the background. chaos would then be complete.
@nathanpitman firefox doesn’t exactly the same. google aren’t the only ones.
regarding https://t.co/DpIKczwf3r - firefox does it as well. not just chrome @elliottkember #security #google #firefox
@tomgiddings i think winnersh triangle still looks like that cc/ @barryf
so a win by default, is still a win right? #Ashes #BringOnTheRain
#askRackspace how many physical devices are deployed across the 9 data centres, ish? also, do you have more Windows or Linux boxes?
#askRackspace when will i be able to have a single control panel, that works, for cloud (all geo’s) and dedicated hardware?
no wonder we can’t understand the yanks - they don’t understand themselves - https://t.co/EKTQyUNVUW
needs to win the lottery. too many reasons for 140 characters! #fml

even the trolleys sleep pic.twitter.com/5WVVbj0xRAA
the plus side to the RBH parking lot at 130am is its quiet.
@benlovell you need to direct your browser to letsgocottaging.co.ukl right away cc/@StevieBuckleyy@tomgiddingss
maybe this is why @RealBradHaverly is obsessed… https://t.co/a2mvkgcEpH he can’t actually EVER escape it
is pulling some stats for someone’s presentation which are frankly, insane.
@JimTheBaggie and when you don’t think beer at 6:30 is sound idea
more songs need BOOM DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY BOOM DIGGY BANG in their lyrics. #justsayin
my surgery, tudor house in wokingham is doing this https://t.co/ZBogKRTouS - forced me to get a completely different machine
@keithclarkcouk eat more cake. be sick. #justdoit #suckitup
@jimeh but clearly you’ve been watching the movie or stalking the disney channels…