@troyhunt yeah, I’ve had one. haven’t used it since they moved from Google to Yahoo but password changed non the less. Who else uses Yahoo?
@forgie1 @StatusCakeTeam same in the UK, DNS is just missing
@StatusCakeTeam in fact, looks like someone has deleted your DNS, or, screwed it up quite spectacularly
@StatusCakeTeam your site is down, any eta? what’s the impact on monitoring (I hope none)?

victomato 2016, ya’ll. pic.twitter.com/M0AZceVagQ
haveigotnews Yahoo reassure public that very few of their 500m hacked user accounts have been accessed, by anyone, ever, including the owners.
@krissygoround didn’t you get it delivered?
@brianleroux Apple is broken I think. As for a sensible answer, not sure.
RT @elizabethidube: It’s official—we launched #Gauge! Track your internet performace with our chrome extension! https://t.co/yTD1Dg89UV #d…
@neilmiddleton it won’t be the end, but, they’ve got far bigger challenge now what they’ve realised is just meh.

Jenn’s crocheting has gone rogue, she’s doing scarves for snakes now! #sixtymilliontrebles #onestitchonelife pic.twitter.com/cdl0wYhMun
RT @sandofsky: Weird coincidence that Github adds managers and suddenly they’re shipping stuff. https://t.co/s49Y871bSd
@troyhunt out of interest, why is it your favourite? you got a few bullet answers?
@BritishGasHelp Done. I know what it’s about, but, having it blank if you don’t isn’t helpful :)

maybe add some content next time @BritishGas this is just a bit creepy. pic.twitter.com/oqJXrP1SAe
RT @rosswilliams: Good luck to Lauren and most of all have an AMAZING time!! https://t.co/gflks6MAqr
NichollsRob @metoffice @ian_winter The Pound just keeps on falling after the Brexit vote, eh?
@spectee_news yes

@metoffice one of the ones that landed in Wokingham pic.twitter.com/CubKfcMDCx

wow. that’s a rain storm. actually had to stop car because I couldn’t see. collected some at home for the kids. pic.twitter.com/JqpKsjpwY6
@datacharmer thought so but thanks for confirming 😃
@datacharmer is it possible to upgrade an existing sandbox or do I have to start from scratch e.g. from 5.7.13 => 5.7.14?
@Cara_Bunce if it’s not big and pink I’m not clicking it.
Sully dropped off for his first day at big school!
at the @o2academybmouth watching @barenakedladies with the wife. met her a decade ago!