watched the sesqui 360 movie whilst it was in Thunder Bay, pretty impressive #canada150 #sesqui pic.twitter.com/b19RPV6Pvi
@lazyonecanada there’s a pop up store in @myintercity in Thunder Bay but no sign with opening hours. can you help?
@myintercity hey, when is the lazy one pop up store open?
RT @neillathwood: Can’t wait until this is adopted by the PCI council and implemented in the standards - sooner rather than later please. h…
@boffbowsh I see his name and just think Scaramanga.

seems like maple syrup does go on most thinks. I reckon they’ll be good. @hayleyhinsley pic.twitter.com/JSDzjV2Nf3

@thesambarnes hey sam 😃@hayleyhinsleyepic.twitter.com/lJGfSg6wGzJGfSg6wGz
Praise the Cotten Eyed lord for you have done no wrong. https://t.co/RYfCBbgpMp

@CthulhuSec @Cloudflare for me, yup. was ~1.35s now ~844ms. uk leased line in the office. pic.twitter.com/BRY6IYjE1x
Top tip. Actually press button in lift after getting in.
@jessicakeogh fucking twenty eight what? as for how, good stamina I suspect.

@CthulhuSec let down by jot.html by the look of it. i’m in the uk on 11mbps adsl. pic.twitter.com/qznpSGW3UX
@boffbowsh ah, to that I have no idea! unless the context of whatever the form is they really need to know gender &… https://t.co/1JBwqAVPZc
@boffbowsh choice; related - https://t.co/EDn2oDl7QL, https://t.co/5Z1dfEluJ7
listening to ðŸ’€â›µï¸ ðŸŽ¶ on emoji day 🎉 ps. the emoji movie look#worldemojidayˆ #worldemojiday
@BBCBreaking well, once they get rid of encryption and all their BS is sent in plain text we’ll be fine. #encryption
@sainsburys hey, can you have more than one online grocery account (diff email) with the same delivery address?
What shall I have?
@YodelOnline as tweets go, this is pretty pointless. could all your followers give you their address? try messaging… https://t.co/PySUUU3msG
@GrahamM_6t9 thanks, I’ll take a look :)
@GrahamM_6t9 hey Graham, what was the service you used at Graze to analyse the CloudTrail logs?
@globalsign Sure, done. Thanks.
@globalsign sending me 6 email newsletters in about 5 minutes is an awesome way to get yourself blocked and reported as spam
@TheGhoti it’s not very moist
Happy July 4th America or should we say #amexit 😃🇺🇸
when you realise you’re nodding your head to a Bieber song. yeah, that. 😒
@hayleyhinsley It’s not bad. Quite strong at 5.5% though. I found 3, 3 for £5 rude not to.

#Canada150 BBQ with a little Tennessee cider help #jackdaniels pic.twitter.com/ruA70jFjnz
Happy Canada Day! 🇨ðŸ#Canada150🼠#Canada150