has a naked face and is heading to bed having packed and got ready for the trip up to the @UKDEA awards with @globalpersonals tomorrow
Looking for a new job? We’re hunting for a junior systems administrator and three other positions: http://bit.ly/a4aSfV (via @globaldev)

Only a few days left. Donate now! http://uk.movember.com/m…. Check out day 29 of my #Movember mo-gress http://yfrog.com/5n6ur0j
is sad to here Leslie Neilson has passed. rip.
@timminchin surely you can put those two together in sing based form :) can’t wait for your gig in brighton!
had a busy day, drive back from Basingstoke, into Reading, Costco, Camberley, Sainsburys. Now home but have to unpack the car and it’s cold!
has spotted a gap in the market for a 90s bar. rhythm is a dancer. oh and here comes the hotstepper, let me clear my throat!
really doesn’t want to go to reading tomorrow but looks like I need to change a couple of shirts. arse.
Bernard Matthews died yesterday. Police say that, despite dying on Thanksgiving, they have ruled out fowl play… (via @BenKirkaldy)
@lightboxstudios they’re the same each year. for some reason it does make me want an iMac more now though. discount and free shipping!
is a little nippy. -3.5 in Windsor Great Park.
had a great evening with all the guys and gals of @rackspaceemea, @timblair &a@martinbttnbtt in London. bring on the cloud!
needs to format some hard drives to go on ebay. 3 pass format enough? only games/music/apps been on them.
has a chicken wrap for lunch, but, really tempted by some meatballs from subway
@neilmiddleton not sure. we use tickspot at the moment. if you add in reporting then maybe. need to have more of a poke about.
@neilmiddleton sounds interesting, you planning to opensource it?
is loving Brett Domino’s Gililan McKeith song (http://is.gd/hD4OD) heard on @CHRISDJMOYLES show this morning
ShitMyDarthSays “Flying home to Tatooine for turkey day. Got a pretty serious TSA patdown. I find their lack of faith… arousing.”
is reserving judgement on harry potter 7 until part 2. cinematically was good though.
@AdrianPoynton what flavour? that’ll explain a lot
is seriously considering dying the mo blonde - if you donate and someone does it for free (@BradHaverly?) it may just happen! #movember

Help support men’s health http://uk.movember.com/m…. Check out day 17 of my #Movember mo-gress http://yfrog.com/5xdt5xj
has a 15.5” dress shirt, black tux 40” med jacket & 36” trousers needing new home - buy me lunch / pint and it’s you@GP @gp guys let me know
thinks the @TeamSky really shouldn’t have been in windsor great park, in fog, 3 abreast, in rush hour, with no lights and with a support car
isn’t impressed. @sainsburys, you it’s not Christmas yet right? no need for tree and decorations yet!
is listening to @timminchin and cannot wait to see him live next month in Brighton
was so hungry went for a nando’s takeaway - i love their chicken! mmm.
should have spent time looking for my hat. brr.
on train back home after #bcl8 - great weekend
@neilmiddleton sure did. getting the ruby bug I think
ajsutton @sainsburys #bcl8 Where’s my lunch?
just wrote and committed first bit of rails to github for @timblair’s and my not so secret project #bcl8
is eating, @timblair is working. Lovely. http://twitpic.com/36m3ko
is also ready to learn some sign language from @lallyd along with @Laurence_Al #bcl8
RT @KuraFire: At #bcl8:
Audience member 1: “Could you talk a little bit louder please?â€
Audience member 2: “Imagine you’re American.â€
at @barcamplondon
just watched never mind the buzzcocks with sir terry wogan. amazingly funny.
is cold and needing a beer.
@mr_nil put a plug in it :)
@mr_nil nope :)
is going to ask a duck, next time I meat a chatty one, just what they think is lovely weather. bet they hate rain.
isn’t fond of the rain - cold and blue sky, or, sun and blue sky are much nicer
is getting ready to burn http://twitpic.com/346b3l
@PrincessAmyLoud i’ll see how the weekend takes me, never say never…
@PrincessAmyLoud i have the @hummingbbakery cookbook and the recipes are amazing
isn’t a fan of fire alarms when it’s raining and the prospect of a damp bonfire night! 3 fire drills in about two weeks is taking the piss!
is looking forward to burning some marshmallows and sparkles in the garden tonight with a few cheeky beers. beer+fire, recipe for success.

Day 5 - may change to a Freddie and drop the bars - http://uk.movember.com/m…. #Movember http://yfrog.com/6evb3aj
isn’t confident about foo tickets, got a few queues open but no joy so far - keeps crashing
really really wants my @seetickets confirmation email! did i get them or not!!! #foofighters - lookup doesn’t work either
@HatsnHeels @EmsJames @O2Priority @seetickets i’m still waiting, got the confirmation screen in my browser - not going to close it!
@seetickets your reference number lookup doesn’t return anything and there wasn’t a number on the confirmation screen, how can i check?
has a #foofighters confirmation, finally!
just got pushed into a kerb by a stupid White van driver and have now got a massively kernes alloy. f**ker.
@innocentdrinks awesome, i have 4 from last year sitting on my monitor and i want more! http://is.gd/gCIVD
@Sarah_Iles @Alexi_xx @MissJennaK the m4 is closed j5-6 and congestion either side - you may be a while!

Help support men’s health http://uk.movember.com/m…. Check out day 2 of my #Movember mo-gress http://yfrog.com/1apmscj
is looking for a Junior System Administrator to join the fantastic @globaldev team at @globalpersonals - http://is.gd/gCqpT
is going to see @jimmycarr at Reading Hexagon tonight with the wifey. cheeky wagamama before as well i think.