is battling with email deliverability, moving 500k files about, catching up (still) and generally staying awake
is back in the office
finished unpacking now to packing for the weekend camping
finished unpacking now to get packing for the weekend camping starting tomorrow night
is back in blighty
has been awake 27 hours, crossed the Atlantic, been shopping, done costco, cat to vet, laundry load no 1 and unpacked one of 4 cases
got drunk at a wedding, ordered pizza at 2:30am, had a moose roast and now is thinking about packing
@marckysharky I’m considering more beers and a lie in before no work tomorrow :)
is sitting in terminal 3 with a large americano (not american!) and a sausage baguette
is looking at a thunder storm out the window of Toronto airport. second flight of the day that is late. go aircanada #fail
now watching apocolyptic rain so hard I can’t see the plane less than 20m from the window I’m at!
has an empty inbox and is out of here on holiday for two weeks
@MelKirk @willcarling from the home of rugby - i had to take the photo

RT @OnlineBootyCall:…, Be careful when adding your boss to facebook.
is sitting in starbucks enjoying the sun then back home to finish packing
sitting in the sun whilst my car is being valeted then I’ll get to packing maybe after lunch
forgot to go shopping or defrost anything so curry takeaway on it’s way
has got new shirts & boots from Reading, cut grass, hoovered, cleaned kitchen and bathroom, eaten lunch and seen parents. Next up, packing.
wonders why english sport teams get a sniff of victory and screw it all up. well done cricket team #ashes #fail
has got one year to go!
is testing sphinx with delta indexes and merging deleted items. nothing like brain ache on a friday.
is loving dropbox
has been for a swim and is now off home for a drink and counting days until I get to see jenn!
got asked what IT stands for. Clearly the response is Incontinent Tortoise not Information Technology.
is loving the bose quietcomfort 3’s. going to make the air canada journey hopefully bearable if the in flight entertainment actually works
has to do house work tonight - shopping and laundry. yay.
is going to get sort dinner out, the any size domino’s for 9.99 looks tempting… must… eat… healthy…
had a great night drinking & laughing with a @wld@wld people. should go to costco and gym but can’t be arsed. i’ll swim tomorrow. maybe.