great article on TCP tuning i’ve just found, heard of some of them but great resource:
up at 6 yesterday, still up at 1 tomorrow, no today. this, wait, that oh, no this again day sucks big sh*tty balls of sh*t.
new #starwars trailer: - I’ll be going on my own as I know the wife won’t want to! #geek #excited

richardbranson Lemur selfie! See more here:
the stores who are causing chaos like @Tesco should pay the police police for dealing with the loonies #blackfridayidiots
@TheGhoti more than normal then :)
@neilmiddleton nice :)
next dumb idea of today, watching a show about donuts when i don’t have any to eat. anyone feel free to bring some to work for me tomorrow
@barryf chuckle. no, you should have helped me, was an nginx/ip/default_server issue
awesome. 3 hours fixing a problem where the solution was right in front of my f****** face all along. grr.
configuring IDS host groups, net blocks and scans really is as dull as it sounds
RT @globalpersonals: The GP #Movember team have raised £170 so far! Click here to support their efforts!
@AEO hey, when does the turkey based online offer code finish (I’m in the UK)
@MelKirk i bet you would be if Christmas was actually close. which is isn’t. it’s not December. turn it off. #notagrinch #notchristmasyet :)
@globalpersonals just as long as it’s not a burning ring of fire
@AEO now your UK westfield store is open, can I get delivery to the UK, from the UK?
need to win the lottery to 1) buy gadgets i want but don’t need and can’t afford, 2) go on holiday, 3) buy a stupid car #buyaticketfirst :)

innocentdrinks A festive chart.
@neilmiddleton very annoying. canary is better, but, does other weird stuff instead @googlechrome
turns out JD consumption is in line with progress through the project. good job costco sells JD. wonder if I can expense it?
@thesambarnes you’ll be pleased to hear that @flapjackthecat has been known to get in our cases whilst packing
xmas jumper research 1, 2, 3, 4 (too nice)

DrHeebie Can not un-see…. RT @BBCEarth: Fur seals have been caught having sex with
what is the point of self service tills in @PostOffice if you need someone to check before you can post things! #ffs

DrScienceCat Evolution continues as pregnant women are now able to provide free Wi-Fi.
woman delivering local lib dem’s newsletter carrying pile of letters, bag and a wooden spoon. reflection on their political state perhaps?
@thesambarnes not unless you hold him above you head arms

age_uk Catherine Holland has knitted an incredible 1000 hats for the #BigKnit! Absolutey brilliant :) @innocentdrinks
@age_uk @innocentdrinks I think she deserves free smoothies for a year!
so the Fifa corruption report is questioned by guy that investigated? surely that just proves Fifa are corrupt? #hearsay #nofacts #opinion
@Bordersquirrel ha, I worked at Sun between 2000-2004 in Professional Services at GMP, first building, Java House I think it was.
@Bordersquirrel dare I ask why that username?
as this project goes on, my desk is getting increasingly, well, shall we say chaotic. #wecontinue #needadrink

globalpersonals We’re hiring! Read our blog to see why it’s great to be a Globalite: #recruitment
@agit8or sitting on top of victoria’s statue? strikes me a bit uncomfortable ;)
@drheebie have you seen these:
thanks to GT @AkamaiUK who told me about digwebinterface.comW - awesome if you need that level of detail and don’t have a terminal!
innocentdrinks #dadjoke What does a clock do when it gets hungry? Goes back four seconds.
@boffbowsh you knew in the first place ? ;)
@rosswilliams ha, yeah. thank goodness for sky go, had my phone on silent watching it as well now and again
@JessicaKeoghPA Ben is my choice for winner, he’s just a nice, decent bloke