is still waiting for my iphone to backup whilst it’s syncing…
wishing i could always have 1 day weeks!
really should have stayed in bed this morning. arse.
going to London for dinner and to see Avenue Q
is off to the races
is still down overall. all out on the last race
thinks at best i ended up even, but, probably down.
outside the pavilion in Brighton having just been down the pier
pleased with my 2 victories over @barryf 10-8 & 10-1
back from terminal 4
watching laurel and hardy changing lightbulbs
wondering how much I can win on the horses at the Dubai cup tomorrow at ascot
in a room with a Brit, Swede, 2 Danes and a Lebanese chap from Kuwait
@Lilja expanding my mind on a course
annoyed my headphones have died. back to crappy apple ones for the remaining train journeys this week.
updating to 2.0.1 (time two)
is updated and off to bed
stuffed full with wagamama and topped off with a starbucks coffee
pleased my iphone at least works. managed to locate me outside my garage last night. woo.
My iPhone still can’t locate me after 1 hour of it sitting outside spinning away
amused @barryf is correcting grammar on a pack of haribo