YodelOnline Our new competition: 1 sack of toys for kids under 3. RT for a chance to #win bit.ly/YodelWin #YodelXmasWin pic.twitter.com/NelAcahM3x

PlayTouchRL #BlackFriday giveaway:
RT this for a chance to win either a Santa or Snowflake limited edition #PlayTouchRL Ball pic.twitter.com/yRMFfh2APe
hopefully i’ll win a Galaxy S6 with #O2BlackFriday #unlikely #nothingtoloose #itsonlyanothertweet

O2 No need for a recount - Galaxy S6 is the winner! Just tweet #O2BlackFriday before 3pm to win o2.uk/terms pic.twitter.com/n7u4PqqtJO
has #O2PriceCrash happened, or, is it #blackfriday so busy it’s gone offline. cynic in me says no-one is working on it!
you know how we’re great customers @AkamaiUK, @rackspaceUK, @Dyn - feel free to donate moteam.co/ramrod #ihavenoshame #Movember
get your wallets out boys and girls moteam.co/ramrod - understand men’s health and help save balls! #Movember2015 #Movember
Happy Thanksgiving my 🇺🇸 friends. enjoy the ðŸ”ðŸ»
more reason’s black friday is a farce. it ranges from lasting 1 day through 12 days. the bandwagon is off track. this is just “a sale”
@Dickie737 @TheGhoti also @MelKirk’s pregnant so be prepared for random, anger induced demands for cravings & trying to find a shop open
well and truly down the @Akamai rabbit hole! I can see the light, but, every time I get close fall down another tunnel. #keeponmovin
is the moon or mars open yet? this planet’s gone bonkers.
imagine if Christian’s went to cinema expecting to see this ad https://t.co/8VYlHEkwvQ & they had starbucks, how would they cope. #cupgate
Movember Man Prize prpage.co/f/Dcf/+7426/, sponsor me as well over at mobro.co/ianwinter81 #movember #changemenshealth

I’m doing #Movember - mobro.co/ianwinter81 - don’t let the mo grow down on me. donate now and save some balls. pic.twitter.com/lL1arFIEGo
@Jak_Collier i think i saw that same pig fly by my window @SkyHelpTeam
psychomania666 What’s betting they’ll be a #SkyQ Gold box that’s 4K capable at least 4TB and ridiculously expensive? #SetTVFree
nice to see @SkyUK following apple’s lead of appalling digital coverage of their keynotes. hardly any graphics load on the site #SetTVFree

SimpIyboca This is so fucking important. It should be retweeted and shared 10000 times pic.twitter.com/HF5I5KnJHI
@melkirk here’s one for @jo_twyford (if you haven’t already) https://t.co/i4J3gVG3Zs #enjoy
black friday this year is going to be about consumer rage at everyone talking about it. i care about it as much as xmas ads. #notatall
if @rbwm are offering help, screw bloody schedules @bracknellforest just need to suck it up & get it done faster! https://t.co/fsn2UYERIS
RT @carmat71: Friday Beer Table Service @venntrodev https://t.co/XBbvUn1hyP
@hedgehogsec you might want to check your own site “Notice: Undefined variable: phoneErr in /opt/sites/scanner/site/index.php on line 164”
Alanis Morissette Updates ‘Ironic’ Lyrics with James Corden youtu.be/6GVJpOmaDyU via @YouTube

someone at @Imperva really should sort their domain out, looks like it’s expired. pic.twitter.com/bJLzvW1Vz1
I work in the online dating industry, my internet history can be, well, colourful! Gov’ment are way off on this. https://t.co/qMMdIHGiw2
RT @Werner: London Calling! An #AWS Region is coming to the UK! - #allthingsdistributed https://t.co/yTONPI3PU2 https://t.co/qaGOfQhkB0

agile_memes When good Scrum Masters go bad #agile #scrum pic.twitter.com/ksL33BR2KG
this https://t.co/qZjDxz79hP is all very well @vauxhall but mine’s been inspected (1.5 weeks ago) but you still can’t provide needed parts
drewm Dear retailers: your Christmas television advert is not a significant event in my life. I have not been waiting for this all year.
@RadioX frozen, iguana, owl, wombat. Ian in Wokingham.
if you’re not a fan of Frozen’s Let It Go you need to #beefseeds it up https://t.co/f2SPiN6fnL #doit
markmackinnon Canada’s new PM Justin Trudeau with a great answer when asked why important for him to have a cabinet of 50% women. “Because it’s 2015.”
pleased to say ian.io is now rolling with a @letsencrypt certificate. #beta #remebertorenew
@MelKirk don’t wear any, ever. problem solved. i’m here all week.
@Dickie737 You’d hope by this point you’d know that was a runway!
Donate to my hairy #Movember efforts and help kick prostate cancer in the arse: mobro.co/ianwinter81 @MovemberUK
nothing like testing something by disassembling & bypassing everything you’ve put in place to prevent the thing you’re doing being possible
there’s a copy of Esquire in our reception with Kate Winslet on. #wow no further comment is needed!!!
RT @jensimmons: JavaScript is the new Flash.â„¢