@timminchin can you pretty please please please do canvas bags at tonight’s show :)
willcarling Donald Trump - what a guy! Next he will be demanding the recipe for Coke under the excuse that it might be made by pesky commies! #hairpiece
is waiting for the moon landing & Kennedy assassination conspiracy’s to start up again after the American’s bleating on about Obama
@CraigGrannell they’ll claim the CIA faked it, if they haven’t already i’m sure.
is again very tempted by spotify enabled onkyo receivers (http://bit.ly/hRubrO), may make the squeezebox redundant
is back in the real world after an amazing honeymoon trip and safari in kenya. we’ve mostly sorted the photos, now to upload them!
is checked in, next stop Kenya.
â@stephenfryry: You’ve got to hand it to those Swedes..vimeo.com/2196839463a (v@elvis717717)†- very cool tech.
has 1.5 days in the office left then off to Kenya… woop!
if you have any data in france - at all - move it now; they’ve just outlawed hashed passwords https://t.co/5WKKPZD
AdrianPoynton This just made my day!!!! Brilliant. RT @bbccomedy Final #TolkienSitcom poster: White Van Saruman: http://twitpic.com/4ha6w6
is very impressed with natwest. mortgage application thurs night, with underwriters same evening and the valuation is being done tomorrow!
had to chuckle at the spotty cool kids looking at mothers day cards in Clinton
is drowning in paperwork. apparently moving house causes trees to die. forms everywhere!