has a very hot head. this angry bird is warm!
@ONKYO_EU will that come to the iPhone remote app as well for a 609? (please!)
7 billion people and you: My number is 4,555,166,070 #whatsyournumber ?
happy halloween! kermit and george from rainbow are down the row :)

would like to introduce this years pumpkin family
@JammyTheC thanks. yeah it’s mostly baby stuff, some stuff for Jenn then a bit for me. gotta make use f the exchange rate.

in other news, very pleased to announce we’re 15 weeks along and expecting in April :)
is also very glad we bought an empty duffle bag with us. we’re going to need it for all the shopping we’ve done!
started Steve Jobs autobio’ (kindle ed.) on shopping road trip to Duluth, MN today. fascinating life, so much I didn’t know.
is and isn’t looking forward to getting up at 5am tomorrow.
@AL0sborne coin toss with a double sided coin that says play on both sides!
@rosswilliams if you’re dad, that must make @barryf mum ? cc/ @jongilbraith

grayhaze That pigeon really knew how to make an impression. #badjoke
@jongilbraith they’ve seen the light. literally. sun shone, develops flock to it. like moths.
@grayhaze hog roast ftw.
@kevinhyam with the amount of promotion via twitter you should get a @ashnmoore hug and free drinks on @thesnugbar opening night at least :)
@O2 hey, the free access to no1 traveller at LHR T3 with @O2moments - is that +1 or does that just get me in?
has a cold; don’t need that right now. on the flip side, it appears i can get free access to the LHR T3 lounge via @O2moments now, is it +1?
@claireallan1 i’m pretty much set on waiting for the 5.
would like to thank chris (our acc. mgr.) at @rackspaceemea for my 30th birthday present. time to enjoy! cc/ @EnglishCC
â@cfjedimasterer: Very cool set of Star Wars photos (thx @steveneratrat )†- awesome photos!
so with lion, what’s the verdict on upgrade vs clean install from snow leopard #lazyweb
is enjoying the sprite zero that appeared in the @globalpersonals fridge - makes a change from diet coke!
@globalpersonals what else is there to hear? cc/ @therunningdude @jasonkneen

here’s some of the enpties
@Sianilaa drinking jack.

if carlsberg made birthday presents… Wait, they did! cheers for the jack guys!!

has an owl cake! yay wife :)
thanks to the @globaldev folks for my cake and card.

aral Siri, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
(As requested by @michaelw90)
@jasonkneen you mean that last tweet? #siri #fail ?
@laurent_maguire @neilmiddleton guy under the starbucks logo looks like he’s just randomly joined a queue - he’s got no idea what it’s for
@randommelsmum thanks :)
@ioptics aww, your getting my birthday present - thanks mate ;)
is on the last day of my 20’s. i celebrated by having a hair cut. got a beer and biscuit whilst i was there though #marinowindsor #ftw
thinks iCloud is interesting, but, the calendars need to be able to talk to google (without sync) and contacts needs some work #ios5
@jasonkneen backup finished - then crashed - couldn’t connect to iphone update server, this never works.
would like to upgrade to #ios5 but itunes has been “backing up” for the last hour so not looking hopeful
majorhayden Amazingly simple yet hilarious.
@rosswilliams it also seems that @barryf is tweeting far more than usual
would like to point out makes everything more interesting. #tryingtodosomethingdullwithoutfallingasleep
@jennalou_k i don’t think you can ever be to old for a climbing frame. hanging about like a monkey - that’s always fun :)
MikeRogers0 Giving clients access to their website design/content is a bit like giving a caffeinated child crayons & leaving them in your new house.
@barryf I failed. According the the chap at the home office when jenn got her result nearly all British people fail. It’s a dumb test.
Got to love twitter #NicknamesForBreasts trending - some people have odd names! seen via @grayhaze
seriously, how is it only just nearly 3pm! #needadrink
@shewhobangs you can deliver one of those to my desk please and thank you
is getting ready for @MovemberUK - let the mo grow!!!
in subway kid: “what’s in a meatball marina”, guy: “meat” - he should have said ships it’s marinara! #youthoftoday #stupid
was born in 81, an odd music year. under pressure, vienna, in the air tonight, kids in america, you might need somebody & the tide is high!
is researching 80’s playlists in spotify - private listening mode on - so ripped off samples in modern music.
can’t believe it’s lunchtime already
@IAMKELLYWARE yes. until halloween is out the way at least. you shouldn’t be able to buy a mince pie until pumpkins are gone #worldgonemad
RIP Steve Jobs.
just switched from RAC to LV for my car insurance and save 140 quid! bonus.
@lighthouseapp hey guys, in the uk and we’re not able to connect to lighthouse at all. has the issue re-occurred?
Monthly time on Twitter: 3 hours. RP class: Level 2 Expert Tweet Shaman. Full results:
Stats from @_tweetails_. My favourite words are ‘beer’ and ‘wonders’. Average word length: 4.23. Intelligence rating: Intelligent.
@jongilbraith we’ve had that from our payment provider before now. they cc’d all the major accounts they work with. was very interesting!
@jasonkneen siriously? ;)
the iphone 4s is cool, has neat bits, siri is cool. not going to get one on a two year contract when a iphone 5 + ipad 3 could be next year
@drewm don’t forget to ask him about the weather
it seems adobe are out to destroy development everywhere. Typekit and phonegap. both will be overpriced and bug ridden before we know it.
@andrewscrivener more likely destroy it and charge even more for it plus make it buggy as hell.
came second last in the pub quiz. go team! hobgoblin on tap though, can’t complain.
@rackerhacker even worse if they’re in the office :)
@jennalou_k i agree. 3 of the 4 groups aren’t, the only over 25 that was good he got rid of. he’s an idiot. #xfactorrage #ashmedtosayit
has just seen passmywill.com6 not sure if that’s a good idea or not. sure as hell is a bit morbid. each to their own.
Had a thirsty @flapjackthecat