@Timato_ perhaps you an upgrade. may i suggest mid-day ice bath?
@james_allardice wait until you pass 30
@krissygoround oh dear. it actually wasn’t, icing sugar (i’ve got nothing for that)
RT @jennalou_k: Glasgow University do Halloween Fangnam Style… https://t.co/vgizd2eJ
just ate a meringue ghost. very tasty. #Halloween
@andrewgarner nice. i’ve got cached dns but I’ll believe you :)
@andrewgarner you know your footer on your website links to surefirething.co.ukq and it doesn’t work… add the DNS record fool! (www does)
â@jimeheh: Neat, Crossover is free todayflock.codeweavers.comAR1†- done √
@ThreeUKSupport i’ve been getting the same “payday loan” text for a few days - who do i report it to? cc/ @Ofcom

moanup Disney to remake Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pic.twitter.com/jvmdjqbn
“In a statement announcing the purchase, Disney said it planned to release a new Star Wars film, episode seven, in 2015.” eek! #lucasfilm
q. what did the hat say to the bra?
a. you go a head and i’ll give these two a lift. #joke
@RealBradHaverly like, whatever
@RealBradHaverly takes you back, wasn’t that like only a year ago like that you were like 18, like
is looking at possible outfits for the @globalpersonals christmas party - https://t.co/IPwQDVCy
@neilmiddleton gotta be worth, what, £10k at least?
@neilmiddleton haha - you say yes and get them to pay you for an introduction
just saw #skyfall - very good!
@amerbob if he didn’t have his lights on, how did you see him? also, how did the post run shower go?
OctoberJones Can you BELIEVE how EARLY it’s getting DARK? I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. Even though it’s happened at the same time EVERY YEAR SINCE I WAS BORN.
would like to advise @rackspaceUK customers to check their tickets. advising us to restart mysql when flush logs does the job isn’t cool!!
@keithclarkcouk wash your twitter feed out with soap
@jasonkneen you’re not signing up then right? ;)

dinner pic.twitter.com/bDQa7V911
@globalpersonals technically @boffbowsh is alone, he should join up to sites =D
also @simplenoteapp i can’t login via the web to see if they’re still there!
hey @simplenoteapp, notational velocity just said i need to merge or replace all my notes - i said merge & they all seem to have gone! help!
if you’re looking for a job & setup a phone interview - answer the phone - it works a lot better that way! #candidate #fail #toptip
@JammyTheC in which case all biscuit based answers I think.
@WheresWardy so boxcar or hitler then :)
is doing an online shop. wtf are there 40 types of salad dressing… really?
@WheresWardy good lad! what you going for? https://t.co/RlNQrmkD I think you should try the mistletoe. lol.
@JammyTheC clearly an evil biscuit.
@JammyTheC how evil we talking… dr evil evil or jimmy saville evil?
@boffbowsh @andrewscrivener that’s a quacking idea
coin toss decision making… “what are calling?”, answer, “tails for wales”… and it won!
would you fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses. important questions that need to be answered.
@TheGhoti they don’t have 3.5” ones, they’re 5.25”
scaryduck Badger badger badger cull delayed while government deals with the scourge of mushrooms, snakes

wld Happy Harry strikes again. RT @rosswilliams: Harry Lloyd - Comms and Comedy at the @wld conference #WLD2012 pic.twitter.com/0QT5ri9O
just watched @ioptics and @LaurenBarnesWLD do an awesome presentation at the @wld conference.
wonders how many footballers and all professional sports players would be left if they had realistic salaries. see how much they love sport.
it’s the wrong time to discover no smart shirts you own fit when you’re getting up at 5:45am
@jasonkneen which hair does he style though. is he a charge per hair kinda guy? @RealBradHaverly
â@SkyNewsws: Eton Boys Make Gangnam Style Videbit.ly/RaXulzNIk†- not sure if this is genius or disturbing or both!
@dyninc you can send me some if you like :)
@RealBradHaverly also your haircut for a fiver deal is unbeatable
@RealBradHaverly never.
@lightboxstudios well my wife loves bejeweled so that’s one and for me courier and disk tools pro is certainly handy.
I just got the MacHeist 4 Bundle! macheist.com/bundle/t/6133055
so far @panopta trial looks ok. bit more expensive than @pingdom & not as many easy to get graphs but allows more options & reasonable UI
can it work, probably. if @BBCNews and others don’t do what’s now fashionable in media & lie, twist and hype wrong bits bbc.in/OHWKpxF
@panopta will do, thanks for the tweet, i’ll let you know how we get on
this guy does not epitomise german planning! â@JammyTheCeC: Jumping into a frozen pool, what could possibly go wrongtinyurl.com/cvqlrdjx6Qâ€
let’s get ready ready, let’s get ready ready, let’s get ready to grow mo! uk.movember.com/team/497493x -@globalpersonalss men join now!
@barryf i like that!
translating English for Americans :) bbc.in/TufNAwT#britishismss
@Amy_SagePay anything going on at the moment?
is there a service like @pingdom but with aus & south african pops & a non-extortiante price model like @Site24x7. simple checks is fine.
â@HR_Bethth: Attention job seekers… Comic Sans is not an appropriate font for your professional resume.†- it’s not appropriate full stop!
hey @pingdom anything going on? can login but can’t view anything after that, keep getting logged out
so @BritishGas email about price changes yet the cheapest tariffs they offer it seems impossible to switch to online. means i have to call.
just watched felix jump. wow. makes my 12.5k jump look pretty shit! incredible stuff and he nailed the landing.
so with darkwake=0 on ML ssh wakes it up, but, have to quite and ssh again ~20s later - any idea if in MacOS or SSH I can get around it?
so it seems Apple broke wake on lan in mountain lion. when it’s (iMac) sleeping it won’t wake (the box is checked) via a SSH command
RT @globalpersonals: SPICE FEVER… Don’t forget to donate! https://t.co/PV9hXdS3 RT @LaurenBarnesWLD: It’s the @globalpersonals Spice Gi …
RT @MelissaThompson: Really proud the boys @globalpersonals for hitting their target look forward to seeing you dressed as Spice Girls h …
Check out this #Movember effort to change the face of men’s health uk.movember.com/team/497493x -@globalpersonalss@globaldevv gents get on board!
@innocentdrinks ok, thanks. in which case the original votes count. 1x knee, 3x nails :)
@innocentdrinks quick team poll 1x no knees & 3x meter-long nails - but we depends on clarification of “no knees” are they fused or missing?
@tomgiddings it’s a moustache. just really crap.

Giant double pretzel m&m nose! pic.twitter.com/QdfmUe1RR
just did a google search for crotch pad’s. all with legitimate reason. so far nothing dodgy! #lunchtimefun
RT @Sarah_Iles: Please #donate now we need to hit £1k to have our very own spice girls in the @globalpersonals office tomorrow http://t …
@MaxiCosiBaby can u order replacement material pads that go over the female part of the strap (between the legs) for a CabrioFix seat?
RT @regspb: Hats off to the builders of the Lego Batcave. It’s not Playmobil, but…https://t.co/5MxkSCF9
needs Sullivan to realise he’s back in the uk and not be awake until 3am. Jenn & I can’t live on this little sleep!
@BigMadKev i could, but, need to test windows 7. guess could still proxy a windows 7 machine from here though.
alternatively can anyone recommend a good Australian VPS provided that will run Windows that I can RDC to
anyone got a windows 7 machine in Australia they fancy opening up RDC on so I can test something? #longshot

innocentdrinks Well Said. pic.twitter.com/fuMqbm4m
@Timato_ you pregnant?
Want to win a dream system from @Sonos? Enter and we can both win. #winSonos bit.ly/UCMYsdf
forgot how much the morning routine sucks. much better when it’s early an you’re in the bush hunting. could use more sleep too.
is back in blighty. Sullivan was awesome on the plane. we’ve all had a nap and now starving. I think I to breakfast though.
has just seen the northern lights ovver Thunder Bay, ON. awesome!