â@majorhaydenen: mnot’s blog: Nine Things to Expect from HTTbit.ly/1aKcynU8MDgj†- great post
Amazing opportunity for a Project Manager/Scrum Master to join @globaldev @globalpersonals. #webpm https://t.co/wj0YAbFGU1 via @theresumator
I’ve just voted for Keith Clark: CSS 3D FPS for ‘Demo of the Year’ on thenetawards.com/vote/demo/
@pusher yes, we think that was a red herring… it’s javascript somewhere but doesn’t look like you.
@pusher hey - we thing you’re blocked by the UK porn filters somewhere (https://t.co/j69KdJnQm1) isn’t loading
@jessenoller it posts a message to twitter? (sorry no idea!)
ah power cut. boo. Should make bedtime more interesting!
@JustSingles mc hammer - u can’t touch this
bieber isn’t special. he’s a normal citizen who broke the law, again. he needs to be punished. both to uphold the law & for humanities sake
RT @TheGhoti: WHAT?!?!?! Whywouldyou, whywouldyou, whywouldyou…?!?!?! https://t.co/04PKqrgaFJ #DontAskHowIStumbledAcrossThis
RT @kylegawley: Stop what you’re doing right now and check out this fantastic piece of advertising.
just had to use Oracle SQL Developer with a jTDS plugin to connect to a MSSQL DB from a MAC. #painfullyslow #java https://t.co/BcziSJj3TR
RT @jose_casal: Read about the (ongoing) Agile transformation at @globaldev that @RADTACLtd has been part of. Some quotes from me :-) http:…
RT @globalpersonals: Find out how one Globalite raised over £1,700 for @ActionAid: https://t.co/IKCHHFVJsL #globalgiving
@Sarah_Iles you do i was just being cheeky… i have no idea!
@TheGhoti very wrong
@Sarah_Iles it’s about a month since the last bad mood… there’s a pattern right there ;)
@RBWM great park crossing keeps change red/green… looks like the button is stuck on again. was like that last week.
@RealBradHaverly happy to refer you to sky :)
@RealBradHaverly it’s taken that long to get your haircut sorted hasn’t it, really, own up
@RealBradHaverly don’t use @BTCare. easy.

jameslyne This is probably my favourite slide of last year. You? pic.twitter.com/Tx2dLsPuMO

innocentdrinks How to fill in a nursery questionnaire for your child pic.twitter.com/j5Y1giQjcp
this is handy if you’re lazy, or you forget foragoodstrftime.comc
major repost, but still, utterly hilarious https://t.co/bDKcpCcdpr

helenlewis Caitlin Moran makes a fairly unarguable point this morning: pic.twitter.com/aLGqMFLI8P
gp has hit new lows. not notified us of surgery move date & find out at hosp. clinic that in cot they told gp to increase 1 of my meds
@boffbowsh yeah, don’t necessarily want it public (i don’t pay right now)
the thought of poking my eyes with lens isn’t appealing, but, this is (potentially) awesome https://t.co/wEPZSpJy1H
anyone got any views on where to keep code snippets? i have a couple of gists, but mostly in a text file… any better suggestions?
this is an odd looking bunch of critters… https://t.co/Fn0lLiZTNo

metoffice Retweet to win before 4pm Friday to win one of our mugs T&Cs: bit.ly/1edljER #yourweather pic.twitter.com/0tYdDvgHKi
We’re #hiring! Be part of something special… Join the @globalpersonals family. bit.ly/11I0it07#jobss - something for everyone
@TVP_Windsor you need to charge them. that’s dangerous for all of them.
so @AkamaiUK i’m a customer, well @globalpersonals is and I’d really like a t-shirt (L) … can we make that happen? to promote you of course
@james_allardice you’ve been hacked. getting junk dm’s
@MelKirk my only response to this (and to the last one) is rude and involves a pluralised four letter anatomical palindrome
@majorhayden what’s wrong with that, it’s the proper way around :)
@RBFRSofficial if i want to ask about a possible wokingham station visit with our cub pack - what’s the best way to contact them?
@Haribocheeks I think mine could be on holiday with yours

Sully has been cooking pic.twitter.com/YQPqLuqdOQQ
Mercedes-Benz TV: MAGIC BODY CONTROL TV commercial “Chicken” - simply the best advert. ever. youtu.be/nLwML2PagbYE
on tlc “I’m Tamara, I’m 29 and a reclaimed virgin” … sorry you’re a what now? has had sex but some much as changed it’ll be like 1st time!
watched latest two & half men last night, it’s actually now just “man” as only alan is left. at best it’s two men & a woman. #tryingtoohard
â@theloopop: Millions of crabs migrating across Christmas Island loopu.in/K1EkPCMuU†- the sideways quizlings!

RichardNSkinner Spotted at Waterloo station this morning. Via @raquelle pic.twitter.com/ii0cU4t8EY
@NHSEngland we might need to go to A&E only ‘cause GP surgery never answer the phone & tel. consults now required - how do i complain?
we won’t even go in to incorrect diagnosis and the fact that we’ve had to go in to A&E before for care as the GP doesn’t get it right
tudor house surgery in wokingham is the worst surgery in the world. the “new” appointment system only works if you can every get through.

first @JustSingles tv ad shown on really, really! looks good :) pic.twitter.com/UzJiW3aKKHH
RT @TheRealSheldonC: Nanna Nanna Nanna… https://t.co/O456Vb0YJJ
my back garden looks like a cross between a marsh, a bog pit and a small pond! so much water and nowhere to go.
is buying lottery tickets. i need to win.
@wld take your santa hat off ;)
engage the chaos monkey. nothing like root access live server edits. i mean, fully testing, planned changes.
i have far too much crap in my dot files. time for a clean out / start again. i’ll add that to one of my to do lists!