is once again amazed by what Brits vote for. Andrea over Matt and Leah? #wtf Andrea just sounds monotone but two octaves up!
@boffbowsh dark or milk lesbians? cc/ @AL0sborne @timblair @thesambarnes @Jennyuffer

RT @twholman: Probably the best thing I’ve ever seen on street-view ~
@RealBradHaverly hard to tell which way round that conversation is. could easily be you saying that.
@jennalou_k are you starting new euphemisms? cc/ @smarchant1
new tagline - “i do my best work when i know i’m not in the office for the next two weeks”
last day in the office today before holiday. @WheresWardy has nothing to worry about, my handover doc is only 4 pages, so far. #wecontinue
@Tomtids they interviewed one chap right behind my desk looking at my screen but wasn’t aired @barryf @timblair @rosswilliams
@Haribocheeks have you ever tried a new brand based on the stupid tampon/pax/flap/wing/comfy/dry/wide/long/pink adverts anyway? #unlikely
@GoDaddy our account exec finally got back to us as well - seems to be an ongoing issue for you - all the ones i need are done
@GoDaddy i’m also seeing issues, updating nameservers and no updates. over an hour now and they’re in the abyss!. cc/ @jrt341
BBC’s The Apprentice calls o@globalpersonalsls dating industry expertise in tonight’s - BBC1 at 9p#fb#fb
@Sarah_Iles Leslie Winkle!
@MelKirk no one can hear you. you have no followers ;)
@ONKYO_EU send me a black one for free in the post and i’d be happy to… … looks nice though =D
@rackspaceUK ok, so going sideways if i have a us account can i pick the AUS DC?
@rackspaceUK is the signup form right? looks like it’s going to the US cloud signup, certainly would seem that way based on user validation
â@thesambarneses: 80stoys on < just ye#fb#fb (v@benlovellell)†- look’s like sam has instagraismed
@Timato_ or just throw the rock.
saw a barjo can today. takes me back! cc/ @andrew_levett @timblair
gettin’ my deep south on… hell yeah! ♫ Hubcap Music — Seasick
neilmiddleton The NSA - The only part of the US government which listens to you.
OPERATION TROLL THE NSA - risky but funny….
@barryf have you paid for access then?
@MelKirk you’ll regret it!

teaakayyy It’s all over. #ps4
@CraigGrannell it’ll be iDidntGetWhatIwant, or, iWouldHaveDoneX
@boffbowsh big granny tits? if its Britons got talent, they don’t and you’re dead to me =D

I wouldn’t have pegged the swedes for cider drinkers but they make a good one!
@lightboxstudios stop tweeting and reply ;)
@RealBradHaverly do you really want me to answer that?
@RealBradHaverly ethics… good luck ;)
@RealBradHaverly you’ve not been hanging around in car parks with hairdressers again have you? didn’t you learn…
looking like yet another @AmazonUK prime delivery will be late / not turn up. more often late than on time at the moment.
@MelKirk quite.
innocentdrinks #Dadjoke time - “A book just fell on my head. I’ve only got myshelf to blame.”
@barryf totes. amazeballs.itn (courtesy of@timblairr) cc/@boffbowshh
@cattlegrid yup! from cow juice to cow meat.
@grayhaze are you having such a good time, having a ball?

enjoying my cow on my first visit to @CattleGridWNDSR
@CattleGridWNDSR yeah, please. can i book for 5:15pm tomorrow for two adults and one little one.
@cattlegrid great. we’ll probably see you guys at @CattleGridWNDSR tomorrow then :)
@cattlegrid hey, do you guys have high chairs in windsor?
i think @RealBradHaverly should offer to save @BrianMcFadden money by offering him a haircut for fiver.
@rosswilliams happy birthday!

dinner is on. #BBQ
@ThreeUKSupport mines still dead in Wokingham. also settings seem wiped out like content filters for instance

think the @Apple store on ios might be sick
is investigating antelopes and barracudas. looks like our antelopes are soon to be eaten & reincarnated as a fresh battery of barracudas
@WheresWardy ah ok. i stole something from the octopress code, pretty much the same
@RealBradHaverly hair today, gone tomorrow. especially with your cut for a 5r deal. you must have time for a few this week @lightboxstudios
@RealBradHaverly either that our you’re dying you hair again and you’ve just got colour all over you cc/ @lightboxstudios
@RealBradHaverly i’m sure your parents would let you shower there so you’re not dirty cc/ @lightboxstudios
shame Sullivan’s first steps & extended free standing are now being offset by being bitchy as hell though what we hope is teething, again
@barryf does prompt listening to Blur’s classic lyric “lives in a house, a very big house in the country” i think
RT @CraigGrannell: RT @Glinner: !! RT @MitchBenn: How - fucking HOW - is this a good idea? < Mind-bogglingly stupid…
in jekyll / liquid can i format {{ | date: ‘???’ }} so it outputs 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc?
@ThreeUKSupport you know you just replied to yourself, right?
@robyoung26 C = Cake, D = Donut…