@marcduffy10 there’s a few of them. some scary kids out there!
if @hmvtweets is right, they really should have changed the password before they fired the people with access #hmvXFactorFiring
â@nathanpitmanan: Oh dear… sounds ominostatus.1and1.comFc4CS†- what a surprise. they’re crap anyway!
either ruby & gems wasn’t secure or someone really pissed off the ruby hackers. must be double digit hacks inside 2 weeks!
come on you royals!! 2-2 against the Chelsea tractors… result #win
also, when everyone makes you have online ebills how do you provide paper ones with faf. #ffs
is getting angry w/ @NatWest every day a new bit of documentation needed. you know where i live ffs - i’m talking to you about the mortgage!
need a favour from anyone out in Windsor today - pick me up a nano to micro sim converter please!
@barryf your like so Virginia water, like :)
ruby -e ‘[1,2,3,2].cycle.each {|i| print “3==D\r”.insert(i, “m”); sleep 0.1}’ #lol
@SimplyLED hey, i might try your bulbs out (tried some others & not happy), does the 21 day return cover me simply not liking them?
based on the pizza delivery guys effort to get away from my house not sure how successful getting off the drive will be tomorrow! #uksnow
@MelEvePhillips you’ll need to wave some carrots under buttercup’s nose to make sure she’s not worried
@trevorpotts0 not really. apparently some smelly gas from france is spreading over southern england - https://t.co/B1Xm72yU
never mind @wokinghambc just been sent this https://t.co/B1Xm72yU
@trevorpotts0 strong alcohol
hey @WokinghamBC just looking at the alert page https://t.co/OjtIYTxD and noticed the warning about a gas leak in paris, france. relevance?
poll time… what would be in your ultimate kids disney dvd collection? bambi/dumbo/lion king/little mermaid/snow white/cinderella?
anyone used mod_auth_openid successfully on a load balancer site? validates once but doesn’t for all requests. #frustration
can’t decide which route this morning. normal or m4.

had fun moving smart into a position I can leave from tomorrow morn’. lots of slips and slides. drive on a hill #fail! pic.twitter.com/zdvm5I1qq
great result. come on you royals!!

@IanVaughan haha nice! I saw one in e covered in AstroTurf. mines just a snow ball pic.twitter.com/iDlintTUU
RT @james_allardice: Was going to write a blog post about how crap @1and1 have been… but I can’t put it anywhere since my site is stil …
@richardbranson my colleague @timblair, myself & a couple of others wrapped our boss @barryf’s office for xmas 2012 https://t.co/UvzqVAkh
Smart car is fun and utter ferrying at the same time #uksnow doing fine though
m4 ok. A329 bad. Wokingham v bad. #uksnow
using trafficengland.comc’s cameras to monitor snow progression. so far, m4 is clear even where it’s snowing so that could be route home
the forecast, might be right, the snow is getting heavier in Windsor!
so @swtrains are better than the @metoffice. no #uksnow in the south yet they cancelled load because of snow. wtf! it’s just cold rain ffs.
@andrewscrivener i want winter but eriteria doesn’t have a internet connection yet :)
the internet is a wondrous place. boob beanie (https://t.co/sWCObLp1) and boob stress balls (https://t.co/5vk3A6LG)
it seems that the third reich is being reincarnated to come and live in our car park.
â@Timato_o_: R@boomboonpowow DOG FOOD LID spelt backwards is DILDO OF GOD. Found that little gem on Redditâ€
@FrancescaHeath delays up to 20 minutes due to signalling fault according to national rail
@FrancescaHeath pretty sure. they’re just slow from all accounts.
â@krochehe: Ha Ha R@brucelel: Those Aldi horse burgers were nice, but I prefer My Lidl Pony†- lol!
why exactly have @RBWM taken the lights off the william/victoria st junction. it’s going to be hell! time to intentionally block the road
@githubstatus your own applications or someone else’s? also why are all your status stripping ’ - we’re/were, we’ve weve

innocentdrinks By popular polar demand pic.twitter.com/3zGvd8Gn
@drewm nah, I suspect they just think the majority of php developers are single, not parents or teachers & don’t usually leave the house.
@neilmiddleton only wearing shorts. best opening paragraph ever!
you couldn’t make this up bbc.co.uk/news/10333211q wtf would you pick on a hell’s angel as well!
great. #uknow. going to make journey to work more fun with the idiots.
the constant gardener - really, he’s so bad he can’t finish a job?

Time for swimming! pic.twitter.com/1IsDDms55

it’s my cushion. pic.twitter.com/JqOEgm100
@missrogue not yammer. the desktop clients are nasty and the ui isn’t good. would be interesting what you get suggested!
@HeebieB mcdonalds?
@AndyJ ha, that’s a good point. when my son learns google i think i might have to tighten up my privacy settings!
you heard it here first… “@AndyJ: Eating your boogers is good for you! https://t.co/OYdAFAEN #WTFâ€
@krissygoround whatever :)
@tomgiddings that’s a polite understatement
@krissygoround you’re just pleased to see someone, it’s ok, we get it

gmsmagazine The worst advert placement ever. I mean, ever. pic.twitter.com/9CtDfA4X
here @JammyTheC… â@drewmwm: Tom “Broccoli” Landers holds the current world record for eating 1lb of broccoli in 92 seconds#broccolifactstsâ€
@GoDaddy good to know. yes i have, i’ll see what happens when the next ones turn up!
i wonder if @GoDaddy know (almost certainly don’t care) every mail i’ve had from renewals@ has been tagged as spam this week via google apps
drewm Broccoli comes in a variety of colours, ranging from deep sage all the way to dark green and purplish-green. #broccolifacts

had a great night at the darts w/ @barryf @timblair @ioptics @boffbowsh @larrylou100. @thesambarnes loved it ;) pic.twitter.com/KW2rSjzii
@boffbowsh mostly, yes. plus side is Staines is literally just a blur.
@grayhaze p**s off ;)
is off to the darts later w/ @barryf @thesambarnes @timblair @boffbowsh et al. forgot my glasses though so it’ll be a little blurry! #doh
@andrewscrivener or comic sans right ;)
@andrewscrivener how are you going to font scroll with less??
@nathanpitman buffer pools, execution plans, all kinds of things. mysql performance can be a dark art! @drewm
the guys at @CatPigStudios rock. answered my question & are adding 2 stations for me! check out radium catpigstudios.com6#streamingradioo
Magic Pug - The Stairs Are Lava - best video ever! youtu.be/iVc-Z8yFYW8W

if I must pic.twitter.com/BmuVPMU33
has just discovered why my iTunes music sounded shite. equaliser was set to “flat”.
HackerJobsUK Globaldev are seeking a Ruby on Rails Developer and a Visual Designer in London or Windsor: hackerjobs.co.uk/jobs
is having a disagreement with the wife. she’s convinced gangnam style last lyric is “open condom start” #sundayfun
is trying to reach inbox 0 nirvana. currently work account at 771 (or ~14k) and personal 3165 or ~9k. trying to avoid select all + archive!
if you don’t know what CLI is, this won’t be funny - â@climagicic: When I die, it will probably be from semi-colon cancer.â€
@boffbowsh you will if i open it and put it on your desk
you seen these stevethomasart.com/star_wars.htmlx@JammyTheCC ?

playcom A Star Wars spoiler alert, here is > pic.twitter.com/EmUOZQOM
note to self, when testing iptables don’t block the ip you’re connected from
RT @xaprb: Questions about the licensing and legality of the MariaDB MySQL drivers continue, with no answers from the creators. http://t …
@Sarah_Iles on the flip side we might all be able to sue. injury at work - yes, i’m not freaking deaf!
@JamesLafferty it’s shit
great - the fire alarm stuck on. tinatous for all then. any suggestions on how to muffle a normal fire alarm?
thanks to etyres.co.ukS the smart now has new back feet! ordered at 9am, fitted by 1pm. can’t complain.
nothing like tyre exploding as you’re on a roundabout. more fun in smart car! found a someday mobile fitter & selling a kidney to pay for it
@jasonkneen haha yup. probably be called vintage now. HNY!
@jasonkneen christ, its like SMS Nokia logos all over again. really!?