Dinner is served. instagr.am/p/OqVhJ/h
is writing php. i’d like to add i’m drinking beer to ease me through it. also still dreaming of the 3l bottle of jack. it all helps.
@jasonkneen it got better ‘cause i found 1.5l https://t.co/eZeBhRsk and 3l bottles! https://t.co/LTgjjn7C
does anyone know if you can buy 1.75lt bottles of #jackdaniels in the UK?
@neilmiddleton what’s guard? google results in far to much randomness!
@innocentdrinks hey guys, are the “hats” going to be in stores again this year? i have a collection of 20 and they need friends! =D
@MelissaThompson who said that?
@MelKirk yoda talk like to i would ;)
@stooty i followed you through the great park… busting out a few tyre warming wiggles :)
has made some progress. i think i’ve got my new website colour scheme sorted, just, no idea what to put on it or what it should look like
Love it! @LaurenBarnesWLD et al busting out queen full pelt on the boat. You rock.
loves scripts that get 99.7% of the way through (that took 2.5 hours) and break. #pissedoff #grumpy #tired #wantstobeathome #needsadrink
feels good. managed 20 lengths in 25 minutes last night after an age out the pool and my shoulders don’t kill.
@jasonkneen @ioptics or baconipsum.com9
@andrew_levett nice! pictures please :)
@cerysbear no, it’s snowkay :)
TheGhoti What’s a pirate’s favourite animal? Arrrrrrmadillo! #TalkLikeAPirateDay
@andrewgarner come on now, bust out the happy hardcore and got on it like sonic
has been asked a few times what i want for my 30th. right now, a cloning machine would be really useful and a s*** load of JD and coke
@shewhobangs i’m confused. are you saying you’re a good faker? incidentally, how can you have squeezed legs - you’re tiny!
@MelKirk the baseballs aren’t too bad. couple of albums of spotify - worth a listen.
@timblair @jsboulanger +1 on that, the globaldev account also got some scammy spammy looking tweets. hope you’re well!
@hermioneway it’s got some kind of safe list as well. put in some words and it replaces them with kittens. #filtymind #useimagination
@barryf that’s pretty cool, going to have a play with that. you finally caught up and got anytime+ then :)
should stop.
fuck it.
One more.
@JimTheBaggie that’s fighting talk old man.
meant revolution not reflex. reflex was empty. being on the vodka. oh and here’s Lindsey twitpic.com/6lwyj7gtwitpic.com/6lwyj6LS
got id’d to get in reflex. Boom! dvla have license for address change. got in anyway. #pointless
is sad @barryf is missing out on summer of 69… his favourite!
is in the walkabout with stu, baker, fubar, blow and lindsey. this could go badly.
@adam_reid bear in mind your bandwidth on top, and, that’s only a diddie one - performance might suck :)
What does your Web look like? mzl.la/qUjPHW2 via@firefoxx - i own a spork, a moleskin, carabiner, multitool and hip flask so not bad!
@ChloeBenn so, are you saying there’s no point calling you pretty as you won’t remember it? #lateralthinking
is very much looking forward to hitting Reading this evening with the international man of mystery big stu, baker, blow and friends.
#NowPlaying AWOLNATION — Megalithic Symphony on @Spotify
2by The release of these tapped Scarlett Johanson photos has completely altered my stance on phone hacking ethics.
is developing a hatred of technology.
@Adamrneale right now, very little. we use it for use & discard staging instances for app dev. basic web sites otherwise - nothing critical
wonders what’s after “going postal”, “going courier”?
@Adamrneale that’s subjective. depends what you’re using it for. can get expensive real quick! what you using it for?
has comments about suppliers that are neither suitable for or that could be contained in 140 characters #rage
@jongilbraith is a mock cucumber a courgette?
@Alexi_xx yes alex, i think so. i’d quite like a baby owl. i’ve discovered this evening they’re called owlet’s. everyone is found of owls.
@UK2 as in shared nameservers i can use, don’t want to run my own.
@UK2 some wordpress sites, basic php, basic ruby on rails - i don’t think you guys offer dns which memset does so at the moment i’m staying
need to save costs on my VPS, currently have VM2000 with @Memset_Ltd - any recommendations on alternatives? @UK2 is one.
@andrewgarner i don’t want to look at your dancing feet… weirdo ;)
needs to remember to buy a euromillion ticket. i need to win. money may not buy happiness, but, a plane ticket and alcohol it will.
went with dad and got all the stuff needed to re-felt the garage roof. now to hope it stops raining so we can do it one weekend!
has a cold coming. feels like shit. weather sucks. hope to god this week wasn’t like last.
is really god damn unfit. need to do something drastic.
jasonkneen Now THAT is a pool table. @globalpersonals know how to do it. pic.twitter.com/qiqxIHv
@Haribocheeks sprinkle the twirl over the turnover, then you have chocolate covered apple turnover.
@kevinhyam what does it sell, ken’s and drew’s?
@therunningdude make sure you try tusker beer when you’re there :)
aurosan This is possibly the greatest thing I’ve seen anyone ever do with an iPhone before: bit.ly/p6d4LI
@thesambarnes how about this? https://t.co/UrJPHZh
@thesambarnes love it!
has better things to spend money on but, dilemma - 100 quid iPad (64GB) or cheap(ish) iPad 2 off eBay or wait for iPad 3
@System_Sagepay any idea how long your half hour maintenance is going to last? up to 45 minutes so far…
is hot. just for a change the office aircon is broken.
@jennalou_k both :)
is glad it’s friday.
@rackerhacker works best if it’s the person right beside you as well
updating the harmony remote, hunting for cheap iPad 2’s and trying my moscow mule out.
@jasonkneen when in doubt reboot. that’s the oldest ops trick in the book ;) i’ll have you on a windows machine in no time.