@RealBradHaverly tidal? i thought you were talking hair products again, or washing powder cc @andrewgarner #iknowwhatitis
i just clicked unsubscribe in an email and ended up here: optmeoutnow.comP - now, to me, that’s got scam written all over it!
the US gov defended Sony for their failings so will they defend Github against what’s likely a foreign nation attack? #cyberterrorism
well done uk prisons - https://t.co/fVrWQaApge #wow
@TheGhoti i know what it is :P @MelKirk @BillBailey
@TheGhoti you’re rolling on the floor laughing at a Yeast-Based Signal Sequence Trap ? cc @MelKirk #toomanyabbrs
@Haribocheeks happy birthday @IAMKELLYWARE #daymade #happytohelp #neversaidfromwho
@carmat71 you, clearly. do some work :p
tonights interruption after Sully asleep was cries of ‘daddy, daddy dragon coming’ he was hiding under blanket. cute & funny #2yrolddreams
@MelKirk true, the issue is you keep taking it off
@MelKirk at least you’re admitting it though. that’s the first step ;)
@neilmiddleton it’s ok, it’s on Dave, it’ll never die
â@lightboxstudiosos@jennalou_k_k what he said!
@jennalou_k i do/did, but, a google of it was far more interesting https://t.co/bIwXgABXPN
we’re hiring! want a job in Dev (ColdFusion) or care then let me know: globalpersonals.theresumator.comG#windsorr#jobss#hiringg
listening to Jackson, bluegrass style https://t.co/oVmlqy991b #honeywagon
@nurinagarcia i was alright, aside from now being hungry for a muffin, i’m good! how’s life treating you?
@nurinagarcia now i want a muffin
@AirCanada also what if it’s booked on Canadian whilst British application underway (dual citz) can you can nationality of existing ticket?
@AirCanada hey, if you book a flight on 1 passport and then it gets renewed can you change it as long as it’s before the travel dates?
@dickie737 @melkirk perfect opportunity for this! https://t.co/Tp7bPbYMzJ
@MelKirk or, buy a dress that fits as you’re fine as you are? (as @lightboxstudios said)
@jessicakeogh is it @thesambarnes ?
happy St Patrick’s day everyone! pic.twitter.com/dVuZkrmH6BB
TheRealSheldonC What is your Batman name? pic.twitter.com/jQbE26W0Tz
one of the simplest, most useful things ever: https://t.co/245IyaQSed
@krames not to stereotype, but, i had to explain sarcasm to an American once. it basically ended up just being offensive! #goodintentions
no amount of coffee can make this 344 question document go any faster. #notevenpci
@SkyHelpTeam any issues with broadband in RG41? router won’t connect at all, phone line working ok.
nixcraft Fun and profit at the same time via /u/jooiiee
host -t txt istheinternetonfire.com | cut -f 2 -d ‘”’ | cowsay -f tux pic.twitter.com/j5HzYjq3FF
googling about getting another insulin pen, finding out pen I already have is being recalled. hope Dr can prescribe me a different one!