RT @hackerfantastic: Hey @BBFC - how do we become a recommended #AgeVerification security provider to hack the databases holding the porn v…
RT @jessica_schalz: Things my CS degree didn’t teach me:
- Debuggers
- Infrastructure
- Server mgmt
- Cert mgmt
- Datastores
- Secure codin…
RT @EmmaKennedy: Dear Labour, Greens, Lib Dems, SNP, Plaid, Change UK - get your shit together.
Meet up. Have a joint press conference. F…
so @RBWM what are you wasting the 16% parking increase on again? King Edward VII this morning has broken fences (fo… https://t.co/a1lcMeBYeC
@keithclarkcouk Love it. Our kids think this book is awesome - Kitchen Disco https://t.co/JqJlxTQvrS
RT @OborneTweets: I argue, as a Brexiteer, that we need to take a long deep breath. We need to swallow our pride, and think again. My new p…
@beatsbydre hey, I’m in the UK where can I get genuine replacement ear tips as I’ve lost one. need red ones.
@ExpediaGroup hey, you own ian.com, which is currently broken. I am Ian and I’d like it, can we talk?
@Betfair hey, can’t deposit any money just get errors using any type of card. any advice?
hey @RBWM curious how you are justifying another 16% increase in parking fees? that’s two years in a row both incre… https://t.co/7IhwekUqK1
RT @patel4witham: A man who sides with terrorists and socialist dictators, would surrender our nuclear deterrent, has let anti-Semitism run…