so, might try zsh on osx, upgrade to 5 i guess from brew. any other tips, recommended reading, crash bash cross over guides!?
neilmiddleton Everything should be UTC. Just adjust.
@boffbowsh i thought @jennalou_k would be looking forward to her first drink consider she’ll be turning 18 :)
MeanwhileinCana Support bacteria! It’s the only culture some people have.
really hoping that i’ll win £110,000,000 this Friday on EuroMillions. i’d just about get by on that & get my own in house food court w/ chef
and another thing, don’t email me telling me i’ve unsubscribe. i know already. god dammit.
now for RDC, point & click. yay. give me the CLI any day.
@easyjo yeah yeah, let me guess it’s sunny and warm as well. grr. cc/ @tomgiddings
how the f*** is it only 10:30
reading about a monitoring framework with the same name as our cat @flapjackthecat. i wonder if he knows.
jenn’s out, sully’s asleep after more wonder week energy, i’m wondering if I should have a beer or jd & i need to put heating on #cold
if any #parents out there have any fisher price little people farm animals & people they don’t need anymore let me know!
RT @tomgiddings: Haha
apparently since I got up my polo was on inside out. only noticed when I took my jumper off and wondered why the collar was a bit annoying
double glazing vans shouldn’t drive in the back of taxis (#m4 queue/chaos) & don’t get me started on damn rubberneckers!
@FrancescaHeath the train is replaced. with a bus :) hope you get there soon
when the rain is so hard and there’s also spray so you can’t see over your own bonnet you should TURN YOUR LIGHTS ON dimwits! #m25 #idiots
doesn’t think domain migration & international money transfers should be so damn complicated & involved! #fml
@Timato_ porn, gadgets, food or alcohol.
@StevieBuckley nerf gun target is next
@krissygoround torsos? You must have grown :)
@daccf I think the tone is fine. They need to sort it out. When you have double digits worth if servers to patch it’s a pita!
if Justin Bieber could boycott uk radio stations playing his music as well that’s be great in addition to never coming back.
has had the kidney biopsy & seen the little slivers floating in a jar. I’ve drunk, eaten, peed, walked & not bled out so looking good so far
@Loud_one or tits…. we don’t know you being a lady boy now do w@therunningdudede
How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.
the fire alarm can go do one
BBC News - Bonnie Tyler chosen as Eurovision UK entry - hmm.#eurovisionn
@boffbowsh still bloody is. not sure if there’s any point backtracking though now. stuck on way to Mercedes garage from town side.
forgot about Bracknell traffic. it’s freaking terrible. plus idiots in the rain.
ring the bell for the attention of the blood test team. dial a vampire! very quick and no wait. Will use this place again!
waiting for the NHS. what a surprise. doesn’t actually open until 8am tho and the royal Berks Bracknell clinic is actually very nice! #blood
@airbrake getting 500’s on the site and api’s… any status update?
after a long break I was very sceptical about the new stereophonic’s album. i’m half way through and not sure yet.
hey @ThreeUKSupport my voicemail just goes into infinite loop. can’t listen to msgs. says press 1, i do, then says press 1, etc.
thourougly recommend this. pompeii is an awsome tracke ♫ Bastille — Bad
@rednoseday is there a 2013 red nose for cars and if there is where can i buy one??
@MKRMatthew i wouldn’t. if it’s like valentines day they won’t deliver anything on time. lesson learnt. never use @MoonpigUK
@MelEvePhillips getting there for sure. thanks :)
@agit8or its all relative, better than i was! got a biopsy and MRI for a couple of bits as outpatient. hopefully results will be good!
needs a hair cut. probably before I go back to work on Monday. definitely need to shave.