@SpotifyUK any reason you sent me three copies if the identical recommended artists email this evening?
@drewm bagshot road sainsbury’s is good - used to be my local @GrahamM_6t9
@Haribocheeks you’re just doing a number two. girls can talk about it as well you know.
A great salary, great kit and a cool environment to work in. https://t.co/sq0zjALU03 What could you do for us? https://t.co/GB44WztU5f
@StevieBuckley sod the epilepsy warning. i know want to stab my eye out!
AlecMuffett ‘Lads’ mags’ given cover-up deadline by Co-Op
- yes, people should get their porn from the Internet instead… fb.me/S7tCZHIJ
so what if Theresa May is diabetic. I’ve been since 14, now 31 and fine. it’s a pain in the arse but life goes on. it’s not news.

at dinton pastures with the little man. he nearly got eaten by geese. now enjoying a magnum and mini milk. mmm. pic.twitter.com/Nt9VTVFLHpp
@csscreatures yellow hungry moustache
@rackspaceuk myself and @timblair did that to our boss @barryf at christmas https://t.co/SXU38SWNDH … whilst i like the pink aussies win
@rosswilliams saw a red Morgan being driven/revved past the office at lunch, you’re not here and there can’t be many if them!
so have won the lottery twice this week. £8.80 Tues and £10 Weds. quick jump up to £1m+ tonight would be great.
climagic Happy System Administrator’s Day! — A network without system administrators is anarchy.
@keithclarkcouk number 7 on this page if you want to see it! https://t.co/p8e1morEgd cc/ @netmag
@MelKirk i had a 20% voucher from a company i purchased LED lightbulbs from - definitely a odd relation!
@System_Sagepay how about you actually tell people when it’s happening… big change for you guys but would be appreciated /c@Amy_SagePayay
writing python, listening to 80’s music. get me the hell out of here. now. #todo #buymorelotterytickets
@keithclarkcouk erm, yeah! absolutely awesome.

cjcheshire SHOCKING @VirginAtlantic actually puts your password in the query string if you have in incorrect login! WTF? pic.twitter.com/7liFprJE5S
@barryf middle name Spencer?
had a great visit to @WindsorEtonBrew and a chat with jim. tasted a few of their beers and ended up with kohinoor and knight of the garter
@innocentdrinks lime van blackberry (based on beethoven) - shocking but best i’ve got for now

globalpersonals Pure joy! RT @jennalou_k: Congrats to @jontarbuck! 5 years at @globalpersonals! Look how happy he is! pic.twitter.com/0jLosKK0C3
@WindsorEtonBrew do you still have Windsor Cot bottles available? i’ll pop down at lunch if you do.
@richardbranson i’d like to have won the lottery and be spending half the year in the uk and half the year in canada with the wife’s family
â@project_meteoror: Take a sneak peek at Macaw, the code-savvy web design tool macaw.co/peekurV†- this is really, really, really neat
@RealBradHaverly you can defend your own hair dressing law suits now? chop chop bradley, get on to the next exam. you’ll sweep through them.
â@jennalou_k_k: Kerry Katona to play Marilyn Monroe on stage? Are you freaking kidding me?†- that’s the funniest thing i’ve read for a while!
@TheGhoti I prefer “run to the hills”
death star ice cubes anyone? https://t.co/xdK5cn2TXp cc/ @thesambarnes
some of these i’d forgotten about, some i don’t see how they were hits! ♫ ONE HIT WONDERspoti.fi/1atKilPp#NowPlayinging
@neilmiddleton prism running in reverse?
@TheKirstyWard also, get on to the cricket team and throw the match so we win. that’d help @boffbowsh deal with it
@stephenfry i think you just broke them “Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 15204352) (tried to allocate 1966080 bytes)”
@drewm https://t.co/DdRn1rLDUY - walls funny feet?
love it - â@voidspacece: FOAAmjf.cc/13urxrgB4q “Fuck Off As A Service”.â€
@Tomtids we’ve not seen anything. all our payment graphs look normal
@carehart trying to get #coldfusion 902 server monitor running on linux but cannot resolve 500 errors to /flex2gateway - ideas welcome!
trying to get #coldfusion server monitor running on linux but cannot resolve 500 errors to /flex2gateway - ideas?@cfjedimaster @BenNadel
needs an air conditioner for sullys room. any recommendations? cheap, reliable and quiet ideally! next day delivery would help.
@james_allardice i think it’s a new version. the guy mentioned works for them and their contactus.sky.com7 also is on heroku

PaulLomax Hacked? RT @natmorris: LOL at servicestatus.sky.com “Sky TV, Its broken, Really broken” pic.twitter.com/Eo0ZvPS97g
bloody hell it’s a funky friday. 7+ live release, runways at LHR just been closed due to plane fire and a train crash in france
like it! nice one bro. “@trevorpotts0: FREE DOWNLOAD!!! “#countrycountry” by Trevor Potts - https://t.co/ZZVKbXhAfu #calgarystampedeâ€

marksmithcomedy Oh come on BBC News, be more specific. pic.twitter.com/jo8eXt9F6a
@andrewscrivener time will tell ;)
need a hair cut, cloning machine, drink, lunch, sullivan to recover from jet lag & a winning euromillions lottery ticket for >£1m#pleasee
apparently my battles with time continue. different dimension though.
@ThamesVP is the helicopter over Wokingham? Been buzzing about making my house shake and keeping jet lagged baby awake
@TVP_Wokingham is the chopper over town? seems to be hovering about last 20 minutes. my house is shaking it was so low!
has restored balance in the world. the beer fridge once again has beer in! not full so time to shop :)
@HeebieB gonna have to start calling you two the “bone sisters”
@james_allardice you did just then ;)
@Haribocheeks meow
as @boffbowsh pointed out, steven hawkins isn’t going to be as useful as steven hawking! at least not for this problem! #typing #fail
@boffbowsh lol - oops
is investigating theoretically impossible negative and positive differences between timestamps… where’s steven hawkins when you need him
@kevinhyam Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah,
Ohhh, whoah, ah-whoah-oh!
@Amy_SagePay thanks!
@Amy_SagePay that’s @timblair - he’s one of my colleagues - definitely an awesome story. maybe sagepay could donate as we’re a good customer
@jamisonmatt was it along the lines of… “sir, please leave now before we call the police” ? ;)
so if I say @StevieBuckley smells bad will it show on the #HNLondon wall?
@JimTheBaggie who are you?
globalpersonals .@globalpersonals ranked 13 in The Sunday Times International Track - delighted to pick up our 3rd award in 2 weeks! bit.ly/15qAiaW
@lakeheaduhockey hey, can you buy jersey’s in town anywhere or just web? if web how long is shipping & what size is a adult M & L? thanks