hates #svn with a passion. it’s more rubbish than a pile of rubbish in a rubbish dump
@System_Sagepay I assume you actually mean “appearing” and you should add “again” to the end.
would like to know if there is an old police box in london and if so where? #lazyweb
would like to know when @googleapps are going to bother fixing mx record verification - it’s clearly broken! 1 of lots - http://goo.gl/au0op
@rewardli @jsboulanger sounds like you guys are having fun! i’ve followed, be good to get an invite to see what’s going on =D
rewardli Another batch of @rewardli invites going out today. Follow us and retweet this if you’d like one. www.rewardli.com
is off to sleep like a crazy sheep. good night @BradHaverly @andrewgarner @Andy_Gosling @Loud_one and @2by
@BradHaverly @2by @Loud_one @andrewgarner only your technique might hurt someone. keep practicing to be safe. bad technique might stick.
@BradHaverly blow dries what? hard? sticky? don’t be laying it on @Loud_one she’s got a point
@BradHaverly @andrewgarner @Andy_Gosling which god? or are you practicing your blow technique again?
oh my. if @Andy_Gosling &a@andrewgarnerrner hadn’t have said i may have missed this. how long does it take take you to blow then @BradHaverly ?
@Sarah_Iles haha - indeed : youtu.be/RFDOI24RRAEz
keeps seeing commit messages with the word carrot in, it’s making me hungry.
is having a cheeky BBQ with homemade burgers.
@rackerhacker what song - baggy trousers by madness?
@lallyd this probably won’t help but if you assume failure then passing is always a bonus. otherwise, get drunk.(good luck!)
@BradHaverly don’t try and tweet away the flower show comment by mention of rock music
@BradHaverly you’ll still be able to drive to the flower show, don’t panic ;)
was trying to play with design ideas for my new site at lunch. think i may need to follow @ioptics’s suggestion and break out the pencils!
is learning back towards a 320d even after years of slagging them off. i probably should go to bed but the giggling girls are still loose.
has a lounge of giggling, alcohol fuelled women who are sellotaping each other up to perform body modifications. i’m scared to investigate.
is slightly less annoyed by it in firefox, but, is giving up to get another beer.
isn’t enjoying bmw’s car configuration tool. it explodes in chrome. #fail
wonders what people who think the world is going to end do the following day when it doesn’t? plan for the next one?
just found out the world’s ending today, erm, when exactly? i might need to increase my beer intake to enjoy it #rapture
needs to get some more beer chilled. have been in the garden, enjoying the sun, lets hope it’s good for next weekend!
is looking forward to seeing One-Man Star Warsâ„¢ Trilogy at SHP tonight (thanks to the wife for tickets) https://t.co/sCkXlLc
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.
@marckysharky Ha ha ha ha ha. You’ve got to laugh when you fall off a sofa! Bloody Sofa ;)
is letting loose. a bottle of jack and pixelmator… what could possibly go wrong!
is very happy at the 3-0 result this evening. come on your royals!
had a good night with my man jack. time to go to bed before I really get drunk. twitpic.com/4yltx6M
@BradHaverly you’re fuelling the fire you know.
@kanbantool no, it’s ok now. was down from when we got in ~9am until about 1pm
just upgraded my @Spotify subscription to premium. sound quality noticeable better. now, to onkyo or not… i’m leaning more to yes
@kanbantool what’s up with the site right at the moment? any eta on it being back up? (am in the UK)
where’s the dry ice and fans for georgia, she needs to go all out #eurovision
Wonders just where the Serbian woodstock was? #eurovision
@RyanPitcher jumping Spanish women might bring you back…. we continue
having said that I might just get another beer and not vote
doesn’t think the Icelandic entry is to bad. only one I might actually vote for so far #eurovision
Glinner It’s a woman with loads of arms! Oh, no, ignore me. brilliant illusion, though, never seen it before #eurovision
everyone needs a unicycling trumpeter #eurovision
who let this guy out of france? sounds a bit like time to say goodbye, which is appropriate #eurovision
wonders why Sweden have stolen the xfiles background music #eurovision
go #jedward go! #eurovision their hair is it’s own life form still growing.
isn’t convinced by Danish rockers singing soft pop/rock rubbish. bring on jedward. #eurovision
thinks #eurovision songs over the years have got more melodic and pop’y but lyrics still random!
@neilmiddleton not properly, just getting into it. sinatra is nice to get something basic going. will look to rails next i suspect.
is playing with sinatra and erb, i think i like it.
wonders what the best template to use is for a noob trying to create a sinatra app. erb/haml/coffee/other? #lazyweb #sinatra
is still waiting for @googleapps to validate MX records. seems it doesn’t like non standard domains (.io/.st) even though mail is working
@JimTheBaggie just dm’d you. we do.
has just discovered chrome://net-internals - very useful. can clear the dns cache, see open sockets and more
@Loud_one see now that could mean you’re getting it, or giving it…?
is shocked and pleased my tax disc renewal has actually gone down in price this year!
just read an interesting article https://t.co/cjmX9mC (via @barryf). might have to look into that.
@neilmiddleton looks pretty good. have you used them with heroku yourself?
would like to thank @andrewgarner and @neilmiddleton for suggestions on dns: shortlist now @zerigo, route 53 and dyndns custom
would like recommendations for free/cheap dns hosting. so far short list consists of dyndns custom (@dyninc). any recommendations?
@2by Back by public demand. You’re now rockin’ with a one man band.
has a word of warning if you use IUS. they only maintain latest version, so, if you install older ones grab the rpms!
@barryf forget to add neighbours again? it is cool. iPhone app apparently is going to manage the box as well at some point in #thefuture
doesn’t think there’s anything like bad news to piss you off even more than the pissed off state you were already in. yay. not.
needs to be in bed as today was shit. just read an odd email - what does being “grandfathered” into a pricing model even mean???
would like to win the first euromillion draw tomorrow. £80m should do just fine.
@nathanpitman i’m no guru, but, i’ll have a crack at it (dm/email me)
@BradHaverly @Spotify still not decided. looking at the onkyo app which has it built in as well
RIP Seve Ballesteros, real loss, guy was sporting legend.
is off to get a new gas cylinder for the BBQ, it’s raining, seems appropriate.
@MelKirk guess it depends what you’re feeling =D
@AdrianPoynton beard everytime. well, at least once.
isn’t sure about the choice for the new, new york cab - practical suburbia, iconically yellow, yet ugly https://t.co/xZHZQoW
is wishing you all a happy star wars day - may the fourth be with you.
Brilliant. Obama gets his own back on Donald Trump. ow.ly/4Kw2XR
(via@AdrianPoyntonn) - American’s do have a sense of humour!