@tomgiddings omg that has to be a euphemism. @grayhaze would have been arrested for being too excitable!
@FrancescaHeath @MelKirk northeast indian. where the tigers live.
@Timato_ bed time movie fun… are lots of porno’s bluray now then ;)
once again, evening plans ruined. #fml
27 minutes in and i now have 2 problems instead of one and going backwards. glad i’m not paying for this damn phone call. #supplier #fail
@jennalou_k i’m not sure i would. his dancing? eek!
i think @boffbowsh loved it really, jumping around with his hands up in the air cc/ @jennalou_k
@boffbowsh no. sober.
some people really get my goat. if i had a goat that is. if i did have a goat, and it got got, i’d be annoyed. goat out. #empeefreeeee
@System_Sagepay can i ask you actually tell us you’re seeing them in the first place next time!
must remember not to get home and start drinking. have to collect parents from LHR later!
EM PEE FREEEES bruv! cc/ @boffbowsh @thesambarnes
has nearly rebuilt my iMac from scratch to 10.8.2. bootcamp better freaking working work after all this.
waiting for multiple hundred gig rsync’s to complete is really freaking dull
♫ Have Yourself a Sweary Little Christmas — Amateur Transplaspoti.fi/V4890Lt#Spotifyotify
globalpersonals If you want to find a job helping people find love, take a look at our latest vacancies #jobs - bit.ly/HNbETe
RT @realrossnoble: “@simondonald: Is that a motor dolphin or one of those pedalolphins?â€
I have both options its porpoise built.
hey @andrewgarner, you use alfred and power pack - is the power pack with the money?
@keithclarkcouk no, they’re both rubbish #badumting
@mmazour how is it for UK data?
@drewm try @CrucialMemory from amazon - use the part number for a search. last time we did at work, and personally, it was cheaper also
@justlanded thanks for the response. i’ve emailed you.
hey @justlanded i’d installed the app here in the uk but now it doesn’t work and isn’t in the app store - why’s it gone??
poor little fellas - bring back the lemmings! bbc.co.uk/nature/20468224k
well that’s tonight’s plan shot. imac rebuilt moved until tomorrow. dammit.
@jameswestgate nice. ill take a look.
hey @mariadb if i’ve got a bunch of percona 5.5 master/slave servers already can i replace a slave with mariadb to test it out?
just had an awesome first @WaterBabies class. Sullivan loved it and didn’t care at all underwater. proper amphibian reaction with giggles.
can anyone recommend something free to create a basic store/cart that’s backed just by a basic paypal account? #lazyweb #estore
my damn apple trackpad keeps unsyncing itself. deleted, added, still buggering about - very annoying.
hey @Sarah_Iles that’s another fish with a tool on its head #bigbangtheory
@lisaphillips thanks for chat on updates, schema changes & monitoring if you do ever look at osc w/ master slave watch out for it’s triggers
apparently @boffbowsh wants a cheaper fare or as it sounds a cheap affair.
@lisaphillips was a great talk, lot of interesting info, would be interested if you have any pointers on sql migrations. i’ll try find you.
RT @olek_p: “Is there anything on the web that’s not broken and fucked up?” @brianleroux: “No. That’s why I drink.” Love that guy :) #ayb12
the hack @brianleroux mentioned from @keithclarkcouk is here: https://t.co/0CxwIg6u #ayb12
our own @keithclarkcouk just got a big up for cookie js hack by @brianleroux at #ayb12 in his preso
“this is xcode, it’s eclipse but look like itunes and it’s still slow” @brianleroux #ayb12 - awesome!
RT @obeattie: @lisaphillips Great talk at #ayb12… really enjoyed. Nice to see a “don’t fix it until its broke†approach when at serious …
RT @fatbusinessman: “I am an ops guy: I’m allowed to swear.†—@lisaphillips
the redis talk at #ayb12 by @peterc is really good - learnt some stuff that it can do and that it’s going to do soon
petehotchkiss Interesting. Redis example apps include Piterest and (off all things) a certain adult site with a similar name to YouTube #ayb12

lizconlan Hmm #ayb12 #AYBconf. Looks like @bkeepers is enjoying some of the quirks of British-English pic.twitter.com/Zz1B8mCL
“i don’t really understand ruby enough to know what : | does, but, whatever” - amen to that! cc/ @roder
at the #ayb2012 conference and chatting to @MongoDB. Looks really interesting and something to investigate.
the mic doesn’t work, you have to press on #ayb2012
first talk on mongodb… away we go #ayb2012
petehotchkiss #ayb12 these guys have got internet connection @ conferences locked down. Working WiFi AND power & Ethernet ports under every seat #win
could not commute on the train every day! #commuterchaos #noseat #grumpytraintraveller
have to be up in less than 6.5 hours, brain buzzing, all evening working - not what I needed! #needsleepimmediately #tired #brainfart #fml
release the care bears! #CloudComputing
thanks to Adam @YodelOnline for finally getting my parcel delivered!
@Haribocheeks stop moaning then ;)
@jasonkneen had the same thing the other week @UKTesco
@FrancescaHeath i’m an english winter… thanks ;)
@YodelOnline i have an hdnl delivery that’s late… any light you can shed on it would be great!
ah lovely. once again my hdnl / @YodelOnline delivery with prime is a day late. hope it turns up today! cc/ @AmazonUK

did an airport run this morning. means early in office and mcd brekkie! pic.twitter.com/nfsumrxee
@MelKirk setup a shortcut that changes zzz to xxx. might explode though!
would like to thanks @rackspaceUK for my track & field challenge lanyard… next time send the xbox ;)
thesambarnes BREAKING: X Factor fans shocked at public choosing vacuous TOWIE-types over better singers. All will watch again next week. #wakeup #fb

has restored balance to the universe. the biscuit box is full again. #otherbrandsareavailable pic.twitter.com/oeb7m1xFF
watching Bruce do gangnam style is disturbing. time to change channel.
the new sky hub couldn’t look like and be packaged any more like a mac if it tried! works though which is the main thing.
RT @DeathStarPR: â’ Team Edward
â’ Team Jacob
✔ Team Thank God It’s Almost Over
is completely unsurprised our overpaid pre-madonna swearing national football team lost, again.
@RealBradHaverly @agit8or @boffbowsh @TheGhoti guys the jokes are getting dry. I think we’ve blown it
@boffbowsh @TheGhoti @RealBradHaverly doesn’t normally rise to it. least not with company. he just washes it off.

Please donate so my #Movember Mo may grow: mobro.co/ianwinter81v - don’t let the monkey tail be for nothing!pic.twitter.com/mDtpW5kBkB

it has to be a tache not a beard so here’s the monkey tail #Movember style pic.twitter.com/mDtpW5kBB
@RealBradHaverly haircuts with free coke?
@jasonkneen my heart is a CPU. I am the Borg.
@martingoode CPU, load and average query times. rock and roll.
had an evening of beer, pizza and watching a graph stay flat as freaking pancake. speaking if which, I want pancakes now.
eventually managed to order a sky hub. wasn’t easy though. website doesn’t work, tech support couldn’t, eventually sales did #onlinefail
i’m going to do it. watch this spaceâ€themonkeytail.comCCr
@jasonkneen hardened = needs to get out more and not live with his mom? ;)
amazingly @skyhd telling me to try the same website link over & over when it doesn’t work won’t help - i’m trying to give you money!
@WheresWardy you’re assuming it lasts until next week. @boffbowsh neysayer. get back to your ball and men in padding.

Tesco delivery been. pic.twitter.com/xzrfHsfXX

is very tempted to convert this to a monkey tail pic.twitter.com/r2C592zxx
had a successful trip to the nct sale. #LestWeForget
@thesambarnes he’s a bit dodgy. short on humour :p cc/ @CraigGrannell @bumblearse
would like sully to go back to sleep now. I’m awake so may as well work, right, fixed the issue though. #ill #tired #asimup #feellikeshit
is going to bed. feel like shit.
@agit8or yup. better than your singing i suspect ;)
@neilmiddleton rocket. rabbit hutch. car. kaleidoscope. catapult. website for rating moustaches. #lists #bored #done
in other news i need a new office chair. mine is damn uncomfortable having sat on it for nearly 5 hours! #backpain #needmoneyforchair #tired
These have cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you.
i think @Schofe needs to be fired. it’s simply inappropriate! the case needs investigating but that’s the wrong way to go about it
@barryf try stop all - may still encourage them to send you more crap though!
ThreeUKSupport If you are on @ThreeUK and get a SMS asking you about upgrades and to log into a site ending .pl, please don’t - it’s a phishing site.
had delivery this morning at home. by delivery i mean something left on front lawn with a small note through letter box #lowcompostbintheft
on the flip side of scum bag fraudster’s #barclaycard did automatically pick it up and call me.
fucking credit card fraud. now have no credit card for 5 days. boo.
@RealBradHaverly reliable source, yo mama?
some bike porn for @easyjo and others https://t.co/QJngmhhI
@andrewscrivener my response won’t be polite :) did you restart apache? also, i normally have a global include so set it there as well.
@TheGhoti I wanna shoo-oo-woo-woo-woo-oot the whole day down

the things you find when cleaning out your underwear drawer pic.twitter.com/F5jGi8q11

is having Sully helping with recycling pic.twitter.com/ssnXKHH11
isn’t sure if costco.co.ukn now doing online shopping is a good think. handy for sure!
@Emilie13 is that a use before, display before or best before date? ;)
@martingoode do they have anything in common, like say, boobs & low cut tops? not sure i’d work if i show them my balding head cc/ @MelKirk
uk_domain_names Nominet not planning to tell existing .co.uk registrants about potential imminent launch of .uk because they claim it’s a “new” product.
nstanley If you use a .co.uk domain name you MUST read this. Please RT mydomainnames.co.uk
all this football abuse stuff is daft. every single player swears & hurls abuse at each other & officials, all on tv, will the league close?

let the mo begin! #Movember pic.twitter.com/XAxGr8DYY