hey @Sarah_Iles that’s another fish with a tool on its head #bigbangtheory
@lisaphillips thanks for chat on updates, schema changes & monitoring if you do ever look at osc w/ master slave watch out for it’s triggers
apparently @boffbowsh wants a cheaper fare or as it sounds a cheap affair.
@lisaphillips was a great talk, lot of interesting info, would be interested if you have any pointers on sql migrations. i’ll try find you.
RT @olek_p: “Is there anything on the web that’s not broken and fucked up?” @brianleroux: “No. That’s why I drink.” Love that guy :) #ayb12
the hack @brianleroux mentioned from @keithclarkcouk is here: https://t.co/0CxwIg6u #ayb12
our own @keithclarkcouk just got a big up for cookie js hack by @brianleroux at #ayb12 in his preso
“this is xcode, it’s eclipse but look like itunes and it’s still slow” @brianleroux #ayb12 - awesome!
RT @obeattie: @lisaphillips Great talk at #ayb12… really enjoyed. Nice to see a “don’t fix it until its broke†approach when at serious …
RT @fatbusinessman: “I am an ops guy: I’m allowed to swear.†—@lisaphillips
the redis talk at #ayb12 by @peterc is really good - learnt some stuff that it can do and that it’s going to do soon
petehotchkiss Interesting. Redis example apps include Piterest and (off all things) a certain adult site with a similar name to YouTube #ayb12

lizconlan Hmm #ayb12 #AYBconf. Looks like @bkeepers is enjoying some of the quirks of British-English pic.twitter.com/Zz1B8mCL
“i don’t really understand ruby enough to know what : | does, but, whatever” - amen to that! cc/ @roder
at the #ayb2012 conference and chatting to @MongoDB. Looks really interesting and something to investigate.
the mic doesn’t work, you have to press on #ayb2012
first talk on mongodb… away we go #ayb2012
petehotchkiss #ayb12 these guys have got internet connection @ conferences locked down. Working WiFi AND power & Ethernet ports under every seat #win
could not commute on the train every day! #commuterchaos #noseat #grumpytraintraveller
have to be up in less than 6.5 hours, brain buzzing, all evening working - not what I needed! #needsleepimmediately #tired #brainfart #fml