guessing that @CloudFlare are getting more demand than expected for free SSL. i’m getting the ssl2000 cert and HSTS failure errors
♫ Stuck in the Middle With You — Pickin’ On
interesting thoughts on how @rackspace dealt with XSA-108 - definitely agree with some of them
@thecfguy thanks for that, looks useful
so Amazon & Rackspace are getting their XSA-108 reboots out the way. the rest just need to hope and wait for Wednesday! #internetonfire
@WheresWardy no burning cars in site. that’s a win.
@anitkumar85 don’t want the lockdown guide - i want something focussed at developers, like the 11 one is, but for 9
@thecfguy cheers, already have that. interested in one specifically focussed on development and developers - not the server itself
is there a #ColdFusion @coldfusion Developer Security Guide for 9? I can find a version for 8 (old!) & 11 (@pfreitag’s) ?
RT @neilmiddleton: This is big.
climagic host -t txt # Handy command to help you decide if you should panic by @jschauma. Thx IgorBrigadir
@MelKirk do your laundry more often then the briefs can be put away
amusing that @SagePay_UK removed their tweet saying they weren’t at risk from shellshock ‘cause they don’t run linux. #foundone #panic
@trevorpotts0 “11.3.2 Perform internal penetration….”
@DrHeebie heym 8.0.2 which came out today seems “safe” - have upgraded my 5s with no issues
@rossiter_fiona pretty sure you’ve been hacked. this is the third one of these in three days :)
following on from @thesambarnes legendary (read, mad) cat shoe purchase i had a quick search - kinda like these:
is currently searching a document for “penetration”…
it seems @Memset_Ltd where so shellshocked they couldn’t make their mailing list work “Dear <CUSTOMERNAME>,” #fail
@benlovell hmm, good question. try walking into a wall. if you go through, you’re a ghost.
@benlovell are you, or is this your ghost?

so #hermes just decided to lob our delivery over the fence
@innocentdrinks Apple Martin? I think she’s too young to cause scandal though
@nathanpitman me too
@MelKirk as a bloke, please translate, did she look stupid with crap makeup?
@nathanpitman mac’s are going to be vulnerable until apple do something

IslandTaz #iPhone comparison chart…
RT @joshwayne: iOS 8.0.1: if you won’t listen to U2, we won’t give you any other choice.
so @giffgaff signal about the same at home as @three, need to try a few rooms & the drive to work tomorrow. hopefully overall it’s better.
@brianleroux if you’ve installed the Xcode update might be the licence change. sudo gcc should prompt to agree, if it’s that
RT @bdkjones: I see Apple has adopted my, “Screw it, we’ll test it live” release strategy —>
@DrHeebie no. not sure if this one is safe. they pulled it earlier broke cell reception, Touch ID & other bits. I’d wait for the Twitter ok!
wow so 8.0.1 seems to be a disaster. bent iPhones with no cell service, also known as a spoon.
@gert_railo it’s looking far more likely we’ll consider it!
Verifying myself: I am ian_winter on YNsvLL4c3-iyZPIuVc80Ue_fNxeHTa1Mwl1H /
@neilmiddleton or 1
RT @innocentdrinks: Think your little ones would enjoy helping us design our next set of magnets? Check this out
RT @ParentsNearby: NCT fear competition and refuse to honour an agreement to promote the free app ParentsNearby htt…
RT @DAC_dev: “Adobe: stop closing #ColdFusion bugs you haven’t dealt with” (
@DAC_dev sigh. that & daft pricing makes @coldfusion pretty much dead sadly. to upgrade our estate would be >£100k due to per core prices
@DAC_dev has the bug & my original post. think 10 was as well but prod still 9 due to extreme core pricing!
@DAC_dev I’ll try and find the bug. It’s a long while back. Think it was on my blog, I’ll take a look for the posts later.
@DAC_dev @anitkumar85 also you publish hardening guides but don’t follow them yourself. just saying. was licensing too expensive? Probs!
@DAC_dev maybe but no point of using the bug tracker when they never get fixed. Leap years still calculate wrong. go search my bug from 8.
@anitkumar85 @gummatt @Adobe @coldfusion the point is it’s an unhanded 404. don’t rely on CF! why use CF for redirects anyway, use apache
gummatt @anitkumar85 @ian_winter @Adobe Also fix this :)
@anitkumar85 once the cookie is cleared it redirects to bug base @Adobe

well done @Adobe #fail #ColdFusion
@grayhaze I thought you liked Happy Meals (other cheerful food combo’s are available)
@benlovell add your own:
RT @boffbowsh: new favourite Twitter follow “@DidPastorCrash: YES!!! (Free Practice 2) #SingaporeGP #MarinaBay #Formula1 
@keithclarkcouk you know what, the gun still doesn’t shoot ;)
WIN your choice of a pair of Christian Louboutin heels, a supercar driving day or Google Glass at via@Jikoappp
any thoughts on @giffgaff, contract prices are good and coverage based on o2 network (right?) - still back to needing a handset mind you
phone companies need to change their we don’t care about the customer approach unless you’re giving us shed loads of cash.
might leave @ThreeUK as coverage getting worse. tried @O2 Windsor & lady didn’t help or care. clearly 2 new contracts doesn’t interest them.
@grahamm_6t9 lots of broadband issues not sure if you’re in one of those areas
if it’s no will we be accused of vote rigging, probably. whatever u chose, remember it’s all on you. hope you picked well #bettertogether
wow @NatWest_Help new iPhone app on iOS 8 I think uses comic sans for its font. blue text doesn’t match or compliment purple, it’s nasty!!!
@nathanpitman I didn’t but heard plenty about it. I’ve done it successfully now using iTunes rather than OTA
once again an iOS launch that doesn’t work. both OTA and download both fail with differing error codes. you’d think they’d learn by now.
@easyjo leave it and see ;)
currently “Word is repaginating….” - DO IT FASTER ALREADY
Scotland only letting people who are physically there vote, that’s inclusive. if it’s a yes vote will we stop them voting on English issues?
♫ Get Lucky — The Beef
@stevesmith2609 ha, number one is blue so at least they match now
number two is blue
RT @globaldev: We’re looking for an Email Deliverability Manager
RT @beerops: What the RCA in root cause analysis really stands for. @allspaw #velocityconf
@neilmiddleton when they find a courier with big enough hands to deliver them
@jessenoller ha, if you’re heading to the lovely RS Hayes office ask a “local” about chavs…
is out the office, albeit temporarily, wondering if I should go and buy an ice cream or go back and eat lunch. lottery win right now please.

kylerichter So this is sadly helpful.
just unsubscribed from a ubisoft email and the confirmation was “Unsubscription cancelled.” so, have I been or not?
@barryf @aliaspooryorik our one kept bending in half whilst we tried to use it :)
fixed it, crappy .gemrc it seems!
yosemite rbenv ruby dead: could not find expected ‘:’ while scanning a simple key at line 2 column 1 (Psych::SyntaxError) ; any ideas/help?
â@nathanpitmanan: My bets are on for an iPhone 6 mini in six months time with a ground breaking easier to use 4 inch display.â€- hope so!
@nathanpitman not a chance, how will they rip you off for more cables?

thesambarnes iPhone 6++
so you answer the call on your watch, then, have to get your tabphablet out your pocket? wait, i see an  Headset coming soon…
@martingoode don’t worry, financing is available :)
watch looks nice, but, meh. iPhone 6 not sure. I don’t want to talk to a tablet. Geek fanboys happy but the market of normal users could go
joejwest The worst thing about owls is the way they can maintain eye contact when you put them in a microwave.

Dyn NEWS: We’re excited to announce release of two new @Dyn mobile apps:
@krissygoround on the flip side, may as well stop looking in area 51, the aliens are all in the PRC
just because you have a degree, doesn’t make you employable: UK shift to ‘graduate economy’ leaves doubts over skills
@majorhayden it’s on spotify as well - giving it a go, so far, i like it :)
so the passport office for renewal’s is in glasgow, come the revolution (if they say yes) that’ll be fun, sending it to another country
this is so funny and awesome - i love it (don’t play on speakers in the office though)
@Mothercarehelp sure - i’ve done that. thanks.
having multiple, dupe products which in tern cross link between themselves based on colour & randomness #ecom #fail cc/ @mothercareuk
after experiencing @mothercareuk’s absolutely terrible, confusing product indexing & having to return stuff i didn’t order now have right 1

@GOVUK here you go. gov.ukg seems
Must be true, text from Barclaycard: Apple will shortly update its operating system - please ensure you upgrade to the latest version…
@AlecMuffett maybe, but, you’re making an assumption that @EE would know there are different characters sets.
@AlecMuffett also @EE have duplicated the special characters <> is in there twice :)
@majorhayden was it positive though? i’m sure you can endorse that person for “360 evaluations” :)
@drewm what version of ruby you running with? i found that on 2 it was dramatically faster than 1.9.3 and 2.1 faster again
roll on 15:30 when I can take another Lemsip #feelingcrap #realmanflu