happy new year!
in sainsburys. announcement, can a colleague go to the back door a delivery is waiting. made me chuckle.
is using the really handy FlickrTouchr https://t.co/N9fZ730d to download all my Flickr photos
3 years in a row. if i hit 4 years & it happens something will give, in a painful, if the mayan apocalypse actual happened kinda way. sigh.
@boffbowsh it was the daleks
@barryf That’s just mean :P
@WheresWardy the thing is, that’s not even an ironic present cc/ @MelEvePhillips
merry christmas everyone!
@boffbowsh don’t anger the raccoons. fear the raccoons. I might hire one and sit it on your desk.
is consistently rocking the 3 9’s. long may it continue!
has had the last two presents delivered by a very very damp royal mail postman… thanks! just in time delivery, literally.
did the mayan’s have trains? maybe they mistook “the world” for “the train network”
@krissygoround lol - no don’t think so, just the board table
so sky’s email is moving from google to yahoo. i don’t use so don’t really care but interesting non the less

has actual penguins in the office pic.twitter.com/IYWw6pe11
@david_hewson or yodel @CraigGrannell
it’s the last day @rackspaceUK can get me and my team some christmas hampers
@jennalou_k i can see your head bobbing. i bet you’ve got a foot tap going on as well @andrewscrivener
@MelKirk probably a mayan pigeon. sent to kill you.
@boffbowsh i will win. i will wear you all down. until the mayan end of time. @jennalou_k
santa has made a booboo… work address with home postcode - where it goes no body knows!!!
@jasonkneen @mmazour chuck in cosine as well - i’ve been told - and had - all three at once.
@MelKirk i’m not sure you’ve added enough tags to that post :p
santa is basically a stalker. he knows when you’ve been sleeping, knows if you’ve been good, but, i’ve been told it’s in a nice old man way
turns out if you make your mysql (mariadb) install secure using the percona conf generator and run wordpress 3.5 you can’t do new posts!
thinks wordpress may have been written by satan. the “submit for review” button i’ve got post upgrade and f*** off. looks like a reinstall
@FrancescaHeath this just prompted my deletion. now twitter does filters, for what i use it for, instagram is pointless. account is deleted
@boffbowsh honey i shrunk the donkey. he’s a little nipper.
@grantbunyan would real slim santa please stand up - noradsanta.org/en/7
has deleted instagram. there just isn’t any point now.
@MelKirk maybe not the end, but, with twitter now allowing filter natively what’s the point?
hilarious. ♫ Google — Garfunkel and Oaspoti.fi/K7OP2Ko#Spotifyotify
@andrewscrivener next time you over in the dark depths of dev come take a look - or - if you’re bored.
think i’m pretty late to this party but installed the latest beta of the @lastfm desktop app. definitely nicer than the 1.x version!
“i don’t want to close my eyes, i don’t want to fall asleep, ‘cause you’ll draw on my face & i don’t want a d**k on my face” @axisofawesome
so the tube drivers are out to make friends again https://t.co/7AIMqpVP #tubestrike #begratefulyouhaveajob
just got six bottles of wine from @sagepay (thanks!) wonder what @rackspaceUK will send. based on our spend they’ll need a lorry not a box!
OH “i need a screwdriver. dammit. like f**king mcguaver i’m doing it myself or though it’s gonna take ages”

it’s coming… pic.twitter.com/oWYdmIvzz
someone needs to do a dub step version of here comes Santa Claus (down Santa Claus lane) or point me at it!

just another Friday night pic.twitter.com/oRa6JTB99
i wonder what @2DayFMSydney have to say about they fact they almost certainly (speculation) caused a suicide.
@panopta got it. i’m in! (thanks)
@panopta thanks - but - the problem is I can’t remember the username or password! i know it was my iwinter@ email address
hey @panopta your forgotten password link doesn’t work… my trial has expired and was going to attempt to upgrade but can’t login or reset!
@Timato_ is it an apple?
Let me know if you want Sky TV. We could both get up to £75 in store vouchers if I introduce you. bit.ly/AeSJRQF#SkyIAFAF vi@skyhdhd
@neilmiddleton yeah. looks great but they need to move over a bit more d sparrow :)
snow. great. country will turn in to idiots again. time to play count the rear wheel drive cars in the ditch #uksnow rg41 1/10
the new google mail iPhone app is sparrow with a might nicer ui. #like
time to bust out the Bublé ♫ Michael Bublé — Christspoti.fi/YKBDHEP#SpotifySpotify
the internets work fastâ€twitter.com/IamRoyalBaby0m
@WheresWardy get writing!
@WheresWardy pick his brains! also, try and hook up with @adam_rice3 whilst you’re there
after many & varied attempts I finally have windows running in bootcamp on my iMac at home thanks to this andrewsavory.com/blog/2011/2156P
@RealBradHaverly don’t forget brad, turning it on quite often helps ;) cc/ @barryf
@agit8or you imply it had some int he first place!

getting into the Christmas spirit pic.twitter.com/jx90NTHCC
@andrewscrivener Yates… keeping it klassy!
have an idea, found a domain, may only be a good idea in my head though & not sure on monetising it. can’t say in case it gets thieved!
so having created a bootable USB windows 7 drive does it boot? does it hell. attempt 101. if I have to buy a new copy i’ll be sad!