@scott_collins check out notableapp.com - will let you share comments etc for a site all online (not sure if that’s what you’re after)
Oh hello beer ‘o’clock. How I’ve missed you so! (via @MelKirk)

Rewarding our hardworking ops team with early beer to celebrate SysAdminDay.com http://yfrog.com/jy6tlgj (via @globaldev)
is enjoying my starbucks this morning
is watching avatar drinking an old speckled hen.
is angry that cfquery ignores the tx_isolation level of mysql and uses READ-COMMITTED all the time unless the use cftransaction, not helpful
@FrancescaHeath or HTML even?
We have some great Customer Care job opportunities! Check out our vacancies…http://globalpersonals.c… (via @globalpersonals)
anyone got an opinion on if the flip ultra hd or the mino hd is better? battery does make the ultra tempting.
@Shaunna_Woodley yeah, but a texas mickie (3ltr) one
would like to be somewhere else, if a bottle of JD was with me that’d be ideal
is hot and tired. going to be a long day.
is typing the beat of the 80’s fav’s courtesy of @removablecloud
needs to start exercising again.
@andrewgarner definitely. need to work on the belly first so i don’t loose balance and fall off.
is back on the packet sniffing
@Sarah_Iles don’t panic, they’re only mysql network packets :)
isn’t sure at all about the new #bbcnews site
@MelKirk i’ve got pounding headache by your head is destroying you from the inside out, biffy would be better!
getting my profiling on with grep, awk, sort, uniq, connector/j - all with a headache
@kevinhyam tell @TimWakeham you need a new one. can’t do your job without it. sounds like you’re working with the it crowd ;)
Red Bull gives you wings, unless you’re Mark Webber - in which case Sebastian gets it… #f1 (via @neilmiddleton)
Morrisons suck at math: http://is.gd/dp40W (via @neilmiddleton &a@Caiusaius) - not sure if this is real, shocking if it is!
was going to have my haircut today. i forgot. still look like a furry.
@MissJennaK it’s as seen on screen not seen on you or in the post :)
CharlotteAnne what he said—> RT @NanPalmero: I will never doubt a German octopus again.
would like to congratulate Spain. best team won and Dutch should have be at 10 if not 9 men earlier!
really isn’t fond of drizzle. rain or don’t rain, it’s much easier that way. looking forward to drying off for the @globalpersonals party!
Web mythbusters > http://uxmyths.com/ (via @YouWorkForThem, @eyemagazine &a@clearjanuaryuary)
To all you twilight fangirls, I have a counter movie: http://youtu.be/QOpyyrtz… (NSFW) (via @webRat) (also in HD!)
is with the @globalpersonals crew at echo bar celebrating june’s successes! http://twitpic.com/23jcax
would like to thank our @rackspaceemea AM Debbie for the champagne to celebrate my upcoming wedding
hermioneway Web Developers: Globalpersonals is cool and hiring! http://bit.ly/bWgCXL
@PrincessAmyLoud the dictionary
@TheGhoti good housekeeping?
ordered an iphone bumper on thursday and got told estimated shipping on 25th july actually shipped 2nd.
watching a game of penalty bingo it seems all of a sudden (and more referee errors) this game just came alive! #referee #fail #worldcup
@drewm there’s probably a handful or jokes like that laying around
From the horse’s mouth: your iPhone has been lying to you, and the iPhone 4’s antenna is fine. http://j.mp/dyvvvc (@MacFormatrmat)
wonders if anyone wants to go to the #weirdal gig with me in december at the forum? let me know soon, still some tickets left.
just got a micro sim from o2 for registering interesting in iPhone 4. already have one so anyone need a micro sim?
is wishing everyone a happy Canada day
Pass it on: we’re on the hunt for talented developers and engineers to work with us at @globaldev: http://bit.ly/9l3qpp