has the #NewTwitter. shame #skybroadband is slower than a carrier pigeon with no wings or legs making checking it out a bit harder.
has photoed coasteering bruises, awesome fun getting them! http://twitpic.com/2sbywt http://twitpic.com/2sbywu http://twitpic.com/2sbywo
cannot be bothered to move this morning.
is very much liking @timblair’s new kindle. is it wrong that a gadget makes me want to start reading books?
via @CraigGrannell Got a boxed copy of Windows 7 from Amazon today. Nice how it arrived with a wine voucher. Windows 7: drives you to drink.
has found my ds and charger in preparation for friday’s car journey with @barryf (get yours ready!), @ioptics and @TheGhoti
boing said the status message!
@scott_collins congratulations!
is not happy about a 600 quid bill to fix my car, right after the wedding and an insurance rise of over 150 quid. #sucks
isn’t impressed with monday so far
has new spoons
@PrincessAmyLoud a flat exclamation mark? just draw one on a bit of paper :)
wonders if facebook just killed 4sq now places has launched
DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU HAVE ACROPHOBIA: Stairway to Heaven (Climbing Towers) https://t.co/shp9Kke via @youtube (via @andrewgarner)
Street sign spotted in London http://bit.ly/bbGsub (via @neilmiddleton - LOL, @pyates, @LDN, @JackKannon)
@PrincessAmyLoud that wasn’t wrath :)
is off to bed after bowling, curry and near death m4 sliproad joining experience with the @globaldev crew
is back in the office. it’s odd when completely empty!
needs a good car boot to go to (selling). I know ascot but any others? do you pay for pitch on day at ascot?
if you like google’s dotty logo you’ll love this http://is.gd/f3Q8j (via @andrewgarner)
is enjoying a hot sausage bap in the @globalpersonals office. mmm.
via @danlucraft: Let’s release 100 cats into an IKEA at night and see what happens. https://t.co/R9TVS9Q Why, you ask? Because we can.
is looking forward to barenaked ladies in southampton tomorrow night #bnltour20100911
via @globaldev It’s been a “make employees fat” couple of days at @globalpersonals: cake and burgers yesterday, bacon sarnies and beer today
has installed 4.1 and is ianwinter on #gamecenter. not many games though. flight control, hopefully angry birds and doodlejump will make it
Wishes #windsor #mums would sillycar share the #schoolrun more so thousands of people could have an hour of their day back (via @stooty)
is setting up projects in @kanbantool and finding it pretty useful.
is listening to tracks from my new brother in law, Trevor Potts - http://is.gd/eYTW6 & http://is.gd/eYTW7
is looking for a system admin, mysql admin & a bunch or other great roles to come and j@globaldevldev - http://is.gd/eZIbY
@nathanpitman Dear provider: get me a new server ;)
@nathanpitman definitely!
is about to head to the hadoop user group with @andrewgarner #huguk
@martinbtt really not that bad. at least not getting here.
had a good day at longleat & was underwhelmed by the circle of stones that they call a henge. came back with a zebra & another giraffe thou.
would like to tell everyone to take their canvas bags to the supermarket #timminchin
has had a walk in the sun, a good laugh whilst getting my hair cut and a bacon sandwich from the cafe. now back to work.
is off to longleat tomorrow with the wife :)
@clearjanuary i also am not sure about the many shades of grey used in the app itself, feels quite “dull”. nice coloured icons now grey
has rediscovered an old addiction to greengages.
thinks with digital media putting a cd on is starting to feel nostalgic! me and jack getting down to washing up after an interesting day.
thinks the apostrophe song is really quite good http://is.gd/eP2eu (via @stephenfry), I know our punctuation ninja @barryf will like it!
is wondering if anyone is or knows a MySQL DBA who’s after a new job with @globalpersonals, if you are get in touch! http://is.gd/eOXmM