Ian Winter (@ian_winter)

Berkshire, UK

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ian_winter ever

October 18th, 2012

wonders how many footballers and all professional sports players would be left if they had realistic salaries. see how much they love sport.

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it’s the wrong time to discover no smart shirts you own fit when you’re getting up at 5:45am

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@jasonkneen which hair does he style though. is he a charge per hair kinda guy? @RealBradHaverly

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â@SkyNewsws: Eton Boys Make Gangnam Style Videbit.ly/RaXulzNIk” - not sure if this is genius or disturbing or both!

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@dyninc you can send me some if you like :)

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@RealBradHaverly also your haircut for a fiver deal is unbeatable

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@lightboxstudios well my wife loves bejeweled so that’s one and for me courier and disk tools pro is certainly handy.

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I just got the MacHeist 4 Bundle! macheist.com/bundle/t/6133055

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so far @panopta trial looks ok. bit more expensive than @pingdom & not as many easy to get graphs but allows more options & reasonable UI

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