@benlovell you need to direct your browser to letsgocottaging.co.ukl right away cc/@StevieBuckleyy@tomgiddingss
maybe this is why @RealBradHaverly is obsessed… https://t.co/a2mvkgcEpH he can’t actually EVER escape it
is pulling some stats for someone’s presentation which are frankly, insane.
@JimTheBaggie and when you don’t think beer at 6:30 is sound idea
more songs need BOOM DIGGY DIGGY DIGGY BOOM DIGGY BANG in their lyrics. #justsayin
my surgery, tudor house in wokingham is doing this https://t.co/ZBogKRTouS - forced me to get a completely different machine
@keithclarkcouk eat more cake. be sick. #justdoit #suckitup
@jimeh but clearly you’ve been watching the movie or stalking the disney channels…