here’s a new use for @keithclarkcouk’s 3d css engine - theboobjam.comQ
Google sniffs at MySQL fork MariaDB: Yum. Have an engineer via@regvulturee - great for mysql i think, up yours oracle
if anyone is looking for a job then check @globaldev out! - if you’re interested, get in touch
@globalpersonals careful what you wish for (although unlikely) cc/ @globaldev
this is relevant to a linux conversation, obviously, guess the distro!
@globalpersonals horrifying without doubt cc/ @LinkedIn @james_allardice @andrewgarner
RT @andrewgarner: If you ever thought about working for @LinkedIn (unlikely I know) … let this be a warning to you …
saw Now You See Me last night. was original in the idea and a great case, but, can’t help think there was a little bit too much going on