@agit8or easy now! i’m not sure the world could survive long periods of our dulcet tones!
just saw this breadedcats.comq - might verge on abuse, but, it’s very funny
@RBWM mounts hill thru sheet st, in comparison to roads to there
it had a lot of slush and was icy particularly roundabout w/ winkfield rd
if you live in Wokingham you MUST read this proposal on the new station link road - it’ll be hell : https://t.co/3bm0toro
@nathanpitman from what i recall @Fasthosts also don’t allow cname records in their dns - which is crazy!
would like to praise @WokinghamBC - roads are perfect; @RBWM on the other hand - you have work to do!
is getting ready for a snowy drive to work. I predict 2 rear wheel drive cars in ditches.